
Post what you're listening to!

Once a disc makes it into my car changer it stays there for a few weeks/months until the laser burns through the pits. Been listening to For Those About to Rock for a while now. It's not as rough as some of the others, not as polished as Black and Black and the last few. But there's a couple tunes on here that sort of capture the essence of AC/DC better than some of the more successful stuff. I'm more of fan of later higher gain JCM800's over the NMV stuff but... COD sounds like the amp is about to explode. I just can't get enough of that. Not as refined, a little bit towards blatty, but... yeah sounds like it's about to explode.
Songwriter of the Nashville ilk, but one who doesn't really hew to the mainstream - Henry Hipkens.

Check out this little dobro march:



Mehliana - Hungry Ghost


Progressive jazz(?)... I know it won't appeal to most here, but the climaxes are well worth the wimpy jazzy shit. :laughing7:
Maiden has pretty much always been my favorite band, but IMHO they lost their way for a while when Adrian Smith and Bruce Dickinson left.  I have a couple of discs from that era but never really gave them a thorough listen, until recently.  Been listening to Virtual XI.  I have to say "The Clansman" is a pretty righteous tune.  Been listening to that one on the drive into work each morning.
A little Buzz Feiten (yes, he plays in addition to inventing a purported improved intonation system):


Boy's got some nice blooz chops.  Watch and learn, whippersnappers!

Bagman67 said:
A little Buzz Feiten (yes, he plays in addition to inventing a purported improved intonation system):


Boy's got some nice blooz chops.  Watch and learn, whippersnappers!
Dat's Hot!!! :occasion14:
I don't know if Buzz learned it from Jimmy Page (where I first saw it) but he has that thing going where his face-squeezing has no connection whatsoever with the notes he's playing - it's just like all of a sudden - "Oh Yeah! I'm Emoting!" Page was the best though, he'd just all of a sudden run up to the front of the stage and stomp around some, for no apparent reason. Joe Perry from Aerosmith learned that exact same move too. With some guys, Keith Richards, it's connected to what they were playing 12 or 20 bars back, but the random stuff's more fun. 
That's probably where Keef's mind was. He takes "Laid back" quite literally But hey, now sex drugs and rock n roll means Pfizer is sponsoring..
swarfrat said:
That's probably where Keef's mind was. He takes "Laid back" quite literally But hey, now sex drugs and rock n roll means Pfizer is sponsoring..

Keef's been a heroin addict since what? 1940? "laid back" is his middle name. It's amazing that he's still alive.
Keef's been dead since 68! Just, nobody bothered to tell him yet!  :toothy12:
Talk about stunning!


I'll bet there's a secret message in there if you play it backwards, but I haven't the foggiest...  :o

!PCP no enipucrop ralucun a yb depar-niarb gnitteg ekil s'tahT
Stubby, I think you may have been drinkin some of Keef's embalming fluid, but I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!  :occasion14:
One for Cagey:


It must something in the water.


Hehe! Too much fun! You gotta love guys who just want to make things work. Thanks for the links!