
Pinkburst guitars

Never even heard of the little buggers. Anyone interested, there's data here. Curious little animals.

I used to keep mice and hamsters for use as moustronauts and hamsternauts back in the model rocketry days. But, that's a whole 'nother thread <grin>
If you cut open a bunch of those Estes model rocket engines and take out the solid-fuel propellant, you can make superlative bombs. Hypothetically of course.... watch for sparks, kids!  :laughing7: Solid-fuel means no oxygen needed for explosion, once it lets go, Wowie! Zowie! Wait a minute, am I still on the unofficial terrist forum? Uh-oh, aw shoot. Or I mean, don't shoot?

See, this friend of my brother's second cousin's friend's barber's stepson read an article about it, that's how come I know about it, officer