
Tarriffs and Trade Wars: Can you feel it?

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Junior Member
I've been planning a new Warmoth Custom Telecaster project for quite some time now. But with the US/Canada exchange rate turning hard against Canada, and the stock market getting set to tank, cost of EVERYTHING local going up even more than its been exponentially growing the past few years and NOW threat of extra duties at the border ( as if 13% tax wasn't enough!)... well its sadly put my $2,000 project on hiatus .

Does anybody have any idea if "NAFTA" (USMCA I guess they call it now!) US-Made guitar parts are going to be exempt from extra tarriffs, coming from USA to Canada? Seems yesterday (March 7th) the whole trade war thing just got stepped up a notch...
I found this link which indicates that currently musical instrument parts are exempt !
Guitar cases (and suitcases of all kinds) are getting hit with 25% tarriff right now. ...
In another two weeks, that new Canadian retaliatory tarriff is expected to apply to 300% more items (possibly guitar parts!) 😵‍💫
But with the Canadian dollar so low it balances out!

Having said that, I've put some advertising in Premier Guitar on hold until things clear up a bit.
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