So I got to doing another testboard, this time using aniline dyes.
I'm not anti-MEK, I just had these around and have never tried them.
I experimented with getting two tones from the fame maple this time.
I first planed the testboard, then sanded to 220 grit.
It's not the greatest sample of flamed maple by any means, but enough to show the contrasting colors.
Starting with a clean board, I dyed three strips on it; black, red, and yellow.
Once done, I washed each back with denatured alcohol.
Once dry, I sanded back with 220 grit till there was unstained maple showing, while having about an equal proportion of the stained color remaining.
Then I just hit the whole thing with with a wet rag of blue.
Once that dried, I shot a thick coat of clear over everything.
I got three interesting combinations out of it.
Here's a close-up of the Black / Blue:
Then a Red / Blue:
Then a Yellow / Blue:
I'm really leaning toward the Black / Blue, I'm going to play it safe and stay away from red on this one.