
Oh Mama, I think I'm on to something...


Master Member
Here is what the peghead is getting to, just a leetle more off the top, some evening-up and some (gasp!) contour rounding:


Here is what it was, on the left there:


I've been looking at this headstock below and thinking, hmmm, they don't have to be all anally squared-off:


Not too much rounding for mine, but a little to match the body better, just about like that ESP bass above - a 3/16" radius curve flattening to square at the spike.
dose that mean all the girls in the audience need birth control just to watch you play.

better make sure the heats on or your solos will be "short" at best.

ha ha innuendo

ha ha innyourendo 
jackthehack said:
I have an ex-girlfriend who had a toy shaped like the top pic....

The place next to where I used to work is called "MoldCraft", formerly known as Peters' Plastics, named after Tom Peters (but affectionately known as "plastic peters").  They used to come over all the time with all the really weird shit folks would dream up, but I NEVER saw a dildo shaped like that headstock.

There was a dildo shaped like the Pope, wearing his hat, that had a digital sound device embedded into it, that played "Ava Maria".  Oh very creative there.  Some others that had that "bloop-da-doop" song Laurel and Hardy used.  What'll they think up next!~  But never one like that headstock....

How about some Firebird bevels on that headstock?

Hey, you've got one extra hole there! How did that slip through QC?


But seriously, that's a nice shape. I always enjoy seeing other "six-on-a-side" peghead designs than the usual Strat/Tele stuff. I like yours. Looks swoopy, and, somehow, a nice hybrid of the two Fender styles...a bit Strat-like as it comes off the fingerboard with that dropping down part, but then it smooths out under the last four string holes, into a more subtle, rounded Tele look.

Is it as easy as drawing out the design you want (I see your pencil marks) and sawing it out?
I drew your headstock design afew times on a piece of paper to see if liked it... turns out that i did like drawing it.  :icon_thumright: good one. 
Yeah, I definitely had that Roadstar headstock in mind:


Mine has the spike a little lower and not the little fillip above the tuner (no wood there even if I'd wanted to, talk about erectile!), but that and the Firebird/Thunderbird were in there somewhere. There are some really weird, even butt-ugly anti-Fender designs out there, like the G&L and Tyler. Anything to avoid a lawsuit, it seems. The best ones seem to me to be the simplest ones with the least busyness & least number of lines, like  Suhr, the old Peavey, Vigier (and, ahem, mine....) Even the Fender itself is kind of weird with that big knob - if it hadn't been seared into our brains as being the "right", "normal" one, mean girls would laugh at your Stratocaster... of course if Ibanez had released the RG in 1955 and Fender had released the Stratocaster in 2000, vintage Ibanezes would sell for $100,000 and 200-foot RG steeples would adorn the Hard Rock churches.

Is it as easy as drawing out the design you want (I see your pencil marks) and sawing it out?

Nope, I convened a cabinet-level meeting, consulted with my multicultural design team and cleared it with Homeland Security first.

Is it as easy as drawing out the design you want (I see your pencil marks) and sawing it out?

Yep - how else would you do it? I made a few tracings of the paddlehead and got the proportions in mind on paper (checked with "DildoDatabase.com" first, of course), but nothing as formal as mapping out graph squares and re-plotting it onto the wood. I've always liked drafting and drawing, but I would never, ever just start sawing - "Let's see what the saw wants to do...." :icon_tongue:

How about some Firebird bevels on that headstock?

It's not supposed to be an imitation of something else, it just is. (My band doesn't wear Beatles bangs, spikes through our noses or flannel shirts either, except when it's cold).

There was a dildo shaped like the Pope, wearing his hat, that had a digital sound device embedded into it, that played "Ava Maria"
They make 12" glow-in-the-dark urethane rubber Jesuses too, for that whole Linda Blair/Exorcist participatory theocracy crowd - all gods are one god, as we multiculturalists like to say.... :blob7:
i think i'll become a marter, i always wanted a dildo shaped like me, and it should come with a pack of tortillas with my face on each one.
that will be the first bi law of the church of shmoop, sunday is urethane falas day.

i can see it now:  a mega church with a jumbotron focused on an uncle tom lookin old guy at the pulpit. stained glass windows of my apostles, (the kind folks at enron should suffice). blaring death metal played on organs, a food court, a built in dmv, and over the loud speakers you hear: "cleanup in pew 12, repeat, cleanup in pew 12".
Schmoopy said:
i can see it now:  a mega church with a jumbotron focused on an uncle tom lookin old guy at the pulpit. stained glass windows of my apostles, (the kind folks at enron should suffice). blaring death metal played on organs, a food court, a built in dmv, and over the loud speakers you hear: "cleanup in pew 12, repeat, cleanup in pew 12".

Quick Tip: Using a properly adjusted respirator while applying finish to your new 7 string can help prevent both lung damage and chronic (but pretty interesting) hallucinations.    :toothy12:

MDVermette said:
Quick Tip: Using a properly adjusted respirator while applying finish to your new 7 string can help prevent both lung damage and chronic (but pretty interesting) hallucinations.    :toothy12:

The hallucinations are the best part of the build  :toothy12:
oh, i don't even build anything any more, i just buy the parts as an excuse to sniff wood glue.  :tard:
wait a minute, this is a guitar building forum?  :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: i thught it was glue sniffer's anonymous. wow was i lost... :toothy11:
Guitar Building Forum,  Yea thats Just down the hall and to your right.
Glue Sniffer's Anonymous, That would be your other right