
non warmoth spalt LP


Master Member
A friend saw how well my Agile LP came out, so he is having me do a theme LP for his son's band.  The colors are black, red and white.  Here is what I am working with.  IT cost him $130 for everything.  Neck lines up nice but the nut needs some serious work.  We are talking like 1/4+ inch action.  No problem 

HE likes my previous sparkle treatments so I was thinking about that on the back.  Maybe a red to black burst on the front. :dontknow:  I have to shape up the headstock too.


A hundred an' thirty bucks?! -That's crazy! -Like how the spalt is makin' a stripe of sorts right through the body along the string path.

Color choice(s) for the sparkle-back? Exposed binding on this one? -Thinking traditional G-style headstock shape, or something edgy?

Whatever ya do with it 'RACO, I am sure it is gonna be sharp!  :toothy10:
I'll tell you what's crazy. I could have bought 4 of those for what I just paid for a Warmoth neck.


Oh, the pain! The pain!
I started applying some color to this.  This is the RED.  I mixed the strength as a normally do.  It turned out way to orange

SO I sanded a bit and mixed some more but this time added a few drops of the Bordeaux tint to the mix.  The gave me the color I was looking for.

Next was some trans black.  The entire back was sprayed and it gave me a VERY deep Bordeaux color.  Not quite black.  The front got a black burst.


This top needed some additional filling.  I have mixed some additional epoxy to apply to the top to fill some of the areas of issue.  I have found this can work very well.  I will just have to smooth out the top with some 220 and 400 grit.

Next will have the metal flake.  I am still not sure how this will be applied and how heavy.    Just bear in mind this is supposed to be a flashy theme guitar to promote a band.  Red, black and white and my colors to work with.
Well I did some wet sanding and applied the epoxy.  Cured 75% of my issues.  I am now on my second coat.  I peeled back the masking to take a look at the binding color....I like it. 

Well I had some setbacks.  The cheap spalt laminate did not hold the lacquer well.  I did not use an epoxy like I did on my last spalt project with a 1/4 inch spalt top.  Since this was so thin I did not think it was necessary. 

Thru multiple applications of lacquer and sanding I could not get it to look right.  So I sanded the whole thing smooth and spayed with a gold base.  This was a great choice for my base.  I then reapplied the red and black burst, then some flake.  The second shot is with a small part of the binding scraped to give a highlight.  If you recall the colors for this are red, black and white.  I think it turned out great. 

Lacquer is still wet and could use a few weeks to dry before buff and polish.


done.  This one was a battle to the end.  The only thing that went easy was the wiring....

