What I remember about Ed Roman's rant about bolt-on vs. set neck is that he prefers the bolt-on. It wasn't because bolt-ons were better than setnecks, but rather bolt-ons are better than setnecks being made today. The setnecks being churned out are sloppy because the joint is poor to begin with and being compensated by glue. The older, better ones had less glue because there was more wood to wood contact. It's all moot to me anyways because most set necks are 24 3/4" and most bolt-ons are 25.5" scales. If going solely on the sustain angle, wouldn't the longer scale mean better sustain? And isn't sustain overated anyway. It either has it or it doesn't. That seems to be the Holy Grale, "I want more sustain." Whoever says they have plenty?