
New Warmoth Site Bug Megathread

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Not a bug, but the customer builds are gone. Used to sit under Community --> Customer Build Gallery

Here is mine. One of the best guitars I've ever owned and tuned up by Mike Lull (RIP)
Can customer build gallery come back??  :blob7: :blob7: :blob7:

Customer gallery won't be coming back. There are plenty of other places for people to share builds and info now, that don't require constant maintenance and trademark infringement monitoring/vigilance by Warmoth.

Cool axe though. What kind of knobs are those?
Fair enough Aaron, thanks for the feedback.

The knobs are just cheapo ones I found on eBay.
Not available anymore, sorry, but it was listed exactly as follows: "4 CLEAR Tophat/Top Hat Bell Guitar Knobs Gibson Style for 6mm & Split Shaft USA"
AleForce1 said:
probably not a big deal, but when I view the site on my iPad the text in the buttons are backwards  :evil4:...  on my iphone and computer it looks fine.

I can confirm this, and it's not iPad only.  It's a weird one though.  You can reproduce it on any desktop by loading a page that uses the 4-wide grid (ex: https://warmoth.com/guitar-bodies) and slowly narrowing your browser window.  Somewhere around 1070px wide, the button container will become too narrow to hold the button text and it will try to wrap onto 2 lines.  However, because the line height is specified as 0.1em in CSS, the second line just overlaps the first line.

Since most desktops are wider than 1070px and most phones are much narrower (thus getting the 1-column vertical display), you see this only on "in-between" displays like the iPad.

Fixing the issue can be tricky.  It involves offering specific settings for the "in-between" devices.  Here's some CSS that should do the trick:

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 760px) and (max-device-width : 1070px) {
.builderMiniButton-box-a, .builderMiniButton-box-c {
    padding-top: 7px;
.builderMiniButton-box-c p, .builderMiniButton-box-a p {
    line-height: 1.1em;
Apologies if this has been addressed earlier, but I just checked my internet and download speed is 345 Mbps and upload is 36 Mbps.  The new website seems noticeably slower than one would expect for searches.  Even just going back to a previous page, it seems to bog down to the point where I simply close the page.  Example, let's say I want to search Gibson scale Tele necks in stock.  That took 13 seconds even when I am familiar with Construction menu.  Then to go back to the previous page takes almost 5 seconds.  This is on a desktop PC, maybe it is faster on an iPhone or other device.
Jim Deecken said:
Apologies if this has been addressed earlier, but I just checked my internet and download speed is 345 Mbps and upload is 36 Mbps.  The new website seems noticeably slower than one would expect for searches.  Even just going back to a previous page, it seems to bog down to the point where I simply close the page.  Example, let's say I want to search Gibson scale Tele necks in stock.  That took 13 seconds even when I am familiar with Construction menu.  Then to go back to the previous page takes almost 5 seconds.  This is on a desktop PC, maybe it is faster on an iPhone or other device.

I've noticed this too, though it affects some pages much more than others.  For me, pages like the home page and landing pages (for example guitar bodies or necks) are quite snappy.  In contrast, browsing in-stock items is noticeably slower.  For example, loading in-stock Strat bodies and browsing to "Page 2" can take as much as 15 seconds.  Same with changing the sort order, switching between "list" and "grid", or selecting among the more specific feature options (Body Contours, Bridge Rout etc).  Incidentally, with no options specified, the load time is fine - this happens when first clicking into a category and doesn't seem to run any JavaScript related to the page display.

In any case, it looks like some combination of database calls and/or display options is slow to execute once browsing a specific product category.

- Observations about default sorting and display for in-stock browsing -

1) Until today, I'm pretty sure that Grid View was the default for desktop.  Now I'm seeing list view.  Grid View is nice on Desktop not only because you see more at once, but also because it lists the guitar weight without having to click on the item.  On that note, I see no reason why list view couldn't also include the weight, especially since it's one of the sort options.  This is fixed on 7-16-2021 - Grid view is now default again for first visit / or a freshly reset browser and the guitar weight has been restored to list view.

2) I'm not sure what determines the default sort order for a category page (like In-stock Strat Bodies or In-stock Tele necks).  At the moment, I seem to be getting Weight (lightest to heaviest).  Until today, I could have sworn it was something else.  If I had to suggest a default sort, I would say Newest to Oldest would make the most sense.

- Update: on 7/16/2021, I'm getting Newest again as the default sort order, but I'm pretty sure it isn't accurate.  I've attached 2 pictures - one is the default view ("Sort by Newest" is circled in red), and the second is after manually sorting by newest, which I believe to correct.

3) On guitar necks, you can sort by weight, but it isn't one of the visible data points, so I'm not sure what it means.


  • WarmothNewestDefault.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 93
  • WarmothNewestSorted.png
    831.9 KB · Views: 86
stratamania said:
Grid View, sorted by newest is what I am seeing as the default.

Yes, the site remembers any settings you've applied and uses them when you return.  I'm talking about defaults / first time visit.  If you clear cache and cookies, you should get list view again.
ChronoTrigger77 said:
stratamania said:
Grid View, sorted by newest is what I am seeing as the default.

Yes, the site remembers any settings you've applied and uses them when you return.  I'm talking about defaults / first time visit.  If you clear cache and cookies, you should get list view again.

Well I do know that about cookies, so I used an incognito browser which does not store cookies to verify that grid view / sorted by newest is the default.

Note: its great that you have some technical skills, but do realise that others do also and from a broad range of disciplines.
stratamania said:
ChronoTrigger77 said:
stratamania said:
Grid View, sorted by newest is what I am seeing as the default.

Yes, the site remembers any settings you've applied and uses them when you return.  I'm talking about defaults / first time visit.  If you clear cache and cookies, you should get list view again.

Well I do know that about cookies, so I used an incognito browser which does not store cookies to verify that grid view / sorted by newest is the default.

Note: its great that you have some technical skills, but do realise that others do also and from a broad range of disciplines.

Indeed - I dare say they are busy fixing things :hello2:.  I can confirm that I'm now getting grid view again by default for desktop on PC (Firefox) with all browser data cleared.  I'm now thinking that the list view issue may have been temporary.  Of note, the weight is now included in list-view as well, probably part of the same fix.

Sorry - you are right.  I shouldn't have assumed you hadn't already checked cookie settings.  Bad habit.  I'm certainly guilty of more than my share of nerd-speak / hair-splitting, but I don't mean any offense. Web work is my day job and I joined the forum specifically to help in reporting issues and possible fixes because I truly want the new Warmoth site to be the best it can be.
BroccoliRob said:
...we all know that last 2% is the hardest to get (thats why they leave it in the milk)...
LOLOL! That's an excellent analogy! Gonna hafta steal that one.
I'm ordering a VIP with a hollow mahogany body. I want a plain maple top WITHOUT a laminate, because I want a solid color top. Why is there no choice that doesn't include a laminate (and the extra $75 charge). I absolutely don't want the laminate.
I'm pretty sure it's because the top is a separate piece of wood, so it's treated as a laminate even though it may not be. There's still an exposed edge (read "glue line"), which they find unacceptable and generally want to bind. I understand what you want, and it's possible that if you call and ask for a solid finish, you might be able to get it, but it's not coded into the builder as a normal option.
BillyLorentzen said:
I'm ordering a VIP with a hollow mahogany body. I want a plain maple top WITHOUT a laminate, because I want a solid color top. Why is there no choice that doesn't include a laminate (and the extra $75 charge). I absolutely don't want the laminate.

For custom stuff like this it's always best to email customer service. They have a lot of off the site options and might be able to work with you on something.
Gecko 6 Neck builder


When choosing Fretless for Fret Size and Material it is not possible to move on to choosing side dots or mounting holes so it is not possible to compete the build or add to cart.
For what it's worth, we also changed the verbiage surrounding the UC options, to make it a little more obvious what is going on then you select a wood that is UC only.
The Aaron said:
For what it's worth, we also changed the verbiage surrounding the UC options, to make it a little more obvious what is going on then you select a wood that is UC only.

I noticed that and it should provide clearer information for people...
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