Cagey said:scartozi said:I hope to someday try out Pau.....but....I absolutely love wenge and think everyone should at least have one guitar with a wenge neck.
I agree, and it's on my list.
I was looking at that blue SG that's been sitting in the Showcase just rotting away...
... and thought that might be a fun one to add an Ebony over Wenge neck to. But, it's probably not a good idea. An Ebony over Wenge Warmoth Pro neck would be way too heavy for an SG body.
Cagey said:Already have some Pau. Need some different neck meat, and I don't have any Wenge or Goncalo Alves yet.
As for the Jazzmaster - probably not for me, but you never know. I didn't think I'd ever own a Tele, and now I've got two of them. Maybe I'll talk the middle child into building a Jazzmaster/Jaguar one of these days. He's a big fan.
Cagey said:I am going to build a vintage instrument - just not for me, but for you. I'm an older guy. I've already built/repaired/owned piles of them, and got it out of my system. Yours won't be the first Jaguar I've fondled or had apart. Both of my brothers have owned one, and I got to live with those. Refinishing, rewiring, changing hardware, etc. You have to remember that most of what people call "vintage" these days were new (or relatively close to it) guitars back when I started with the whole guitar thing. We used to get guitars for $100 out of pawnshops that many guys would give their left nut for today. So, you get the benefit of my experience and the joy of learning how to love a fiddle, then letting it go when a prettier girl comes a-callin' <grin>
Tipperman said:But mine will be MY Jaguar, and therefor superior to all others. It will also make you go "DAYUM! I want me some SIX POINT TREM! Maybe even a floyd!" It'll totally flip your mind, Cagey. :laughing7: :laughing3:
Can't stop laughing at the thought of you using a six point and liking it.![]()
Well then Cagey you better add ....... GK-3 internalCagey said:this'll be a tribute to the members of the Unofficial Warmoth Forum.
YEP correct ...Johnny said:A curiousity question. Was this thing originally routed with the standard Tele routing and then you had them route for a humbucker? I ask because of the notch at the back of the bridge pickup. I'm also curious whether that would not be convenient for someone wanting to mount something like the Roland GK-3.
Not sure if it's possible, but it woulda looked the tits with real gold plating, and rather expensive...Cagey said:No, I'm afraid I'm going with the dreaded gold anodizing, to match/complement the rest of the instrument.
As for having left off some possible contributions, it was unavoidable. The thing was already finished and I don't use B-benders, plus I'm doing the wiring. So, that pretty much covers all the additional possibilities you mentioned.
DangerousR6 said:Not sure if it's possible, but it woulda looked the tits with real gold plating, and rather expensive...Cagey said:No, I'm afraid I'm going with the dreaded gold anodizing, to match/complement the rest of the instrument.
As for having left off some possible contributions, it was unavoidable. The thing was already finished and I don't use B-benders, plus I'm doing the wiring. So, that pretty much covers all the additional possibilities you mentioned.
Alfang said:Ah Ha, I thought it was you with the afra
Is that neck finished or raw? is it gona stay raw if so?
I am so gonna go buy me an afra neck, and you say they will reroute a fender headstock to a warhead? if unfinished that is.