
NBHGD - Big Al is in da house

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"Big Al" (It's an Alvarez Baritone Jumbo, what else would you call it?) arrived today, and I have a bit of a dilemma. I bought it marked as "used, floor model". There's a blemish that I didn't catch right away when I opened the box a few hours ago. I tried to capture it in the pics. It doesn't appear to be a substantial  defect in the top material, [meaning structural, not necessarily implying anything about appropriate levels of freak out].  From what I can tell this is a finish chip, but I figured I'd ask the Trash Heap (aka favorite internet forum)'s opinion. Is this 1) A substantial defect, 2) par for the course, accurately represented,  and orthogonally A) a big deal, evidence of imminent self immolation/destruction/an opening for tone worms to infest, or B) Character.

I'd like some opinions so I can  1A I'll take it up with the merchant, 2A get it fixed, or 2B quit worrying. I'm not really sure what I want to do in the case of 1B.  I love the sound. (My boy does too - biggest reaction to a musical instrument yet.) Baby is sleeping now, so it's done for the evening. I'm planning to play it a few days at the factory 16-68's, then see about 12s at D, or 13's at C# (as a programmer though, I absolutely refuse to call it C#, and I'm going to tune it to C++ instead.)


Ouch, that is a rather noticeable blemish.  However, it could likely be touched up pretty easily. May I ask who the vendor was?
When I purchased my Breedlove from Music 123, I purchased it as a B-stock.  Breedlove B-stocks are kinda notorious for being a challenge to find the flaw.
When it arrived there was a blemish right the center below the bridge.  It was under the finish and looked like they might have tried to steam out a flaw in the wood. 
Anyway, it was really no big whop, but I called them anyway to let them know.  The guy in customer service took another $100 off the already on-sale price without even asking to see a picture.
I would at least call and ask...
Good luck and  :rock-on:
I bought it from those MF'ers  :icon_jokercolor:  I've bought used stuff mail order from merchants before, but KEH (Camera store in Atlanta) is notorious for their "Bargain Grade" being equivalent to "Ebay NIB". (I've bought some of their ugly bodies before and they were indeed ugly, but generally their grading is pretty brutal,  and I'm not sure I could distinguish KEH EX+ from KEH LN). I'm actually not wanting to send it back, but I do want to make sure we're fair and square.
Called customer service, went through options. No other used ones in stock, they've offered an unspecified discount, waiting to hear back (up to 1 week). So now that 1 vs 2 has been answered, and resolution is in progress, on to the second question, what to do about it.

I'm thinking my options (after waiting to complete resolution with customer service) range from
1) Willie Nelson - just forget about it. Maybe even attack it with dental tools
2) Hit it with some 600 grit sandpaper to kill the flaking edges and keep it from spreading.
3) Get someone to drop fill it.
4) Refinish top ain't gonna happen - it's not an expensive guitar to begin with.
swarfrat said:
2) Hit it with some 600 grit sandpaper to kill the flaking edges and keep it from spreading.

This. Or

5) Paint it black with Sharpie. Continue to swirl/etch/color/draw/sketch until you're satisfied every working inch has been covered. Call it 'another form of personal expression'. It worked for Joe...


You may be able to drop-fill it yourself. It's not difficult, just tedious. There's a video here by Dan Erlwine where he shows how it's done.
Thanks for the link. I missed the 'don't round the sanpaper over the block' detail on my first attempt years ago.  Will try it again on that guitar first.

As for finally getting to try my high strung baritone concept I've been kicking around a couple years now... Kid is asleep, and sleeping lightly, so I'll have to wait to give it a proper thrashing, but initial reports are quite good. I'm tuned to "about D" with 12's, and its a bit too light for my taste, but it has the articulation I was looking for. Also, tuning up puts the body resonance back into the WHOMP region. It wasn't noticeably bass shy before, it actually sounded quite good, well balanced, (ie I'm betting 2nd harmonic is noticeably stronger than the fundamental but its a sound we've come to associate with richness) but to me a jumbo is about overstated physical presence (not just literally, I primarily mean that sonically). That comes back a bit with a tuning closer to concert pitch. I think 13' or even slightly heavier  and/or higher will be where it ends up.
This email is to inform you that our warehouse has inspected the item in question and the damage is as follows.
H78608005001028 [886830927225]: Minor scratches on upper/lower backside and sides.

          Status: Solved

Dangit, now I'm kinda ticked off.
Just FTR, I never did get anywhere with MF past initial emails.

And oh yeah, Longer scale + Big body + 13's tuned to D. Just add a USGI 25 cent pick, and you have an acousti guitar that can move some air! (And feet, my son dances to it whenever he's not trying to stop all the strings). Still want to try D'Addario EJ18's (0.14 - 0.59) - not sure if I'll end up in C# or D.  It sounded good with the factory  16-70, but I felt it was kinda missing some of the zing I expect acoustic guitars to have with strings that thick. That and tuning up a bit cranks up the punch factor.