N(NW)GD (sort of) - another budget build: TK-421


Hero Member
Hey good folks. It's been a while since I checked in here. The economy took me out of action for a while but now I'm back in the ring to take another...sorry.

I swear one of these days I'll build another warmoth, but these side trips are a LOT of fun.

Here's another of my "budget builds" - always wanted a stormtrooper themed guitar, all black and white.

So I bought myself a cool Ibanez Iceman on the cheap a little while back:
(stock photo)

And turned it into my stormtrooper-themed guitar:


moved the switch to the upper bout, moved the tone pot to the switch hole, inserted a LED - lighted killswitch in the old tone pot location (only illuminated when plugged in just like active pups) , pots upgraded to CTS, switch and jack upgraded to switchcraft, Bone nut installed, DiMarzio D-Activators swapped out for Seymour Duncan Invaders, IDK what kind of caps the luthier dropped in, he told me, but I forgot. That's his realm and I let him make the calls on that. This thing breathes freaking FIRE.

Got a custom Iceman truss rod cover on the way with TK-421 engraved on it. :) I'm a giant dork.


For those who aren't giant Star Wars nerds and need an explanation

Tk-421 is a storm trooper from George Lucas's Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope (the movie)Tk-421 (aka THX1138 from the books) is the only storm trooper to be called by name, and is featured for at most 30 seconds. He is called on to the Millenium Falcon by Han Solo (when it is captured by the Death Star)and soon after shot. Although his part is minimal, he continues to yield an enourmous impact on the Star Wars galaxy and its many fans.
"Tk-421, why aren't you at your post!?"
Nice piece! I'm a big fan of B/W guitars.

Updown made one also based on the stormtrooper theme a few years ago that I've always lusted after.
Oh, wow - LOVE that neck. Someone on this forum made a white iceman once and I always thought they were cool, especially once gilbert started playing his fireman. A couple of times I even thought about building a project w build. When I saw this iceman one day when window shopping, the vision popped into my head almost immediately and I started obsessing.

That neck plate is awesome - I have that same image as a sticker on my case.
pretty close with the exception of the upper bout, which is also cut away on the Fireman for better access, and the pickups.
