
MysteryGuitarMan Tone?


Junior Member
I've always been a fan of MGM for his video editing, but when he uses his electric guitar, I think his tone is just...well...bad. Whenever I watch videos of him playing an electric guitar, it reminds me of little kids trying to show off with their guitar starter kits. What do you guys think?


Max said:
Wow, that is kinda sucky. Sounds like my line6 spider III, but worse  :sad1:

Fark, I sound better than that and I have one of those amps. (not for long , working on it :) )

And he screwed up a part in the Star Wars one.
Max said:
Wow, that is kinda sucky. Sounds like my line6 spider III, but worse  :sad1:

I would say "sucky" is a huge understatement. In that last clip the ukulele actually sounds better than that guitar.
While agreeing the tone is non-existent, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it's a technique issue and not necessarily gear related.  I don't know what he's using, but I'm sure it's cheap, not to say that anyone else couldn't get a better tone on the same stuff.  If I were guessing, oh wait, I am, I think it's not a mic'd amp but a bad DI with clipping.
I think his tuner is broken. And that's not the sound of a guitar that's the sound of an angry swarm of bees incoming ...

But he has got that entertainment mojo going for him.
I really don't think he's even trying to have a great tone. I think that's partially the point. He's clearly not trying to be some serious show-off (as makes up 99% of guitar videos on youtube). Dude's just dicking about, I would assume.
Y'all are just "jelly" of MGM's tone... you wish you could get the sweet, sweet saturation
and never-ending sustain of the Gorilla line of fine quality amplifiers.
I can get the same "tone" from my physical amp. nice lil solid state Yamaha.  It can do loud very well, and that's about it.
Just to let you know, he DOES record everything one note at a time. That's why it sounds choppy. As for tone, I agree. It is aweful, but in the best way aweful could possibly be.
The tone of his guitar isn't really the point of his videos.  I have always enjoyed his stuff.  Plus with Youtubes revenue sharing thing and based on the amount of view he gets in each of his videos he is pulling in 6 figures.  Has to be doing something right.