Most Washed Up Hair Metal Band

I saw Def Leppard, and Whitesnake on a double-headline appearance at Wembley, London, last year (supported by Black Stone Cherry - who were excellent).

They were both great.  David Coverdale was a bit cheesy, but he can still do it.  Def Lep were right on the money though.  Great gig.
Just wondering - anyone here every have a painted jean jacket?

I had Boris Vallejo's son paint Queensryche's The Warning album cover on mine. I fucked it all up. Wish I had that still. hahahaha ;) :headbang1:

I also went to school at the same time as this guy:

his Iron Maiden jackets were objects of much admiration.
I was really into metal in the 80s but tried to stay away from the hair metal bands..
I did see Motley Crue live in London, and enjoyed it though.
my favorites were Iron Maiden (never got to like Judas Priest), Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Queensryche, Dio, Rainbow etc.
at the same time I 'discovered' more older bands like the Who, Pink Floyd and Yes.

I guess my one guilty please (when it comes to hair bands) was .....don't laugh....White Lion! I think that Vito Bratta such a great guitarist! great melodies, and while a EVH clone, I thought he actually turned it into his own style. and yes, Mike Tramp could sound extremely cheesy, but he came back with what I think was the best 90s band, Freak of Nature.

Not sure if these are true hair bands, but I also enjoyed Extreme and Mr Big in the early nineties. both had great guitarists obviously.
Marko said:
I think that Vito Bratta such a great guitarist! great melodies, and while a EVH clone, I thought he actually turned it into his own style.

totally agree - that guy can play
Oh man a whole thread could be devoted to bad 80s bands..... Lizzy Borden, Ded Engine, Twisted Sister, Pretty Maids... the list goes on and on and on....
dwayneed said:
Oh man a whole thread could be devoted to bad 80s bands..... Lizzy Borden, Ded Engine, Twisted Sister, Pretty Maids... the list goes on and on and on....

I dunno, I kinda like Twisted Sister. 
Whenever I think of Twisted Sister, I think of that part in the end of Pee Wee's Big Adventure when he runs through their music video. 

My friend and I went to an 80s cover band free concert at my college once, and we spent the whole time screaming "Play We're Not Gonna Take It!" at the band.  They were finally like "Okay, okay!  We're gonna play We're Not Gonna Take It now!  Geez!". 
I liked Twisted Sister before they got popular with those videos. Before that they didn't seem as cheesy to me. Weird fact - besides the riff from Iron Man, the first song I ever figured out myself was Under The Blade by TS. I need to find that one. I used to hear about TS all the time because I lived near New York and adverts for L'amour played all the time. Those guys played there all the time.

holy crap this is bad - -gets a little better as it goes on, but damn :tard:

I'm my defense I was 13 :laughing7:
- Van Halen - I'd never consider them a Hair Metal band since most of the roth era was in the 70's and early 80's before hair really metal came out, not to mention Eddie gets a pass for being an original guitar god.
- Bon Jovi - Completely outlived the hair metal die off in the 90's.  How many hit songs did they have in the 90's?  Plus  now they've reivented themselves as a crossover country band.  Not to mention Jon and Ritchie are still incredible musicians, so nope.
- Motley Crue - well... they're close, but Tommy Lee's exploits have helped them stay somewhat viable.  Vince Neil on the other hand....
- Poison - They WERE washed up, but Bret Michael's and his reality show have definitely helped him recently. He's still a great singer, just maybe he should go back to music instead of making out with strippers and whores.
- Ratt - well.... has anyone heard from Ratt except for the occasional washed up hair metal tours tours of New Hampshire?   
I think we've found a winner.
True - VH is not, nor were they ever... a hair metal band.

In the list, I'd have to go with RATT, even though I dig several of their tunes from the mid 80's, and I can't stand Motley Crue or Poison.
dbw said:
We're Not Gonna Take It?  Isn't that a Who song?

Different songs.  We're Not Gonna Take It from the Tommy album is a good song.  We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister is cheesy 80s fun... with a pretty goofy, yet iconic music video involving a kid getting yelled at by his dad and then the kid spinning around and turning into Dee Snider. 
This might open up a big scary can of worms, but I would definitely categorize Van Halen as a hair metal band: Big hair, poppy metally, freakin bright colors, often seems cheesy in retrospect....

Now granted, I own a few VH albums, and though I can't say I listen to them much anymore, there was a time I was really into it. I'm not hating on VH, just calling them a hair metal band.
1984, nuff said.
In regards to VH, I think they definitely had a "hair metal" phase, or maybe a Hair metal look especially the last couple Roth albums and the late 80's Hagar stuff.  But can you really consider VH1, VH2, Women & Children First, Fair Warning, For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge or Balance hair?  Musically they're worlds away from the typical hair metal of the 80's.

Really the only "hair" stuff they did was the early Van Hagar stuff.  I keep picturing Sammy Hagar in day-glo spandex. :)
They certainly influenced all the hair bands, in nearly every way. Over the top showmanship, crazy clothes, the hair, the partying, the girls, certain lyrical themes etc. They paved the way for tons of bands that were in that scene on the Sun Set strip in the early 80's. If Motley Crue is a hair band, then I'm not sure how VH isn't one.  Maybe Ed makes them not hair metal but hair certainly was important to them hehehe. :laughing7:

VH ain't metal... they're party rock, dude (whoah).

They were versatile... how many hair metal bands do you know of that did covers of Roy Orbison, The Kinks, Linda Ronstadt on their albums?

How many hair metal bands did something like "Happy Trails" or "Big Bad Bill (Is Sweet William Now)"?

There's even snippets of disco in their song catalog, but I'm not going to go there.

Besides, to qualify as "hair metal", you have to start in the 80's... "hair metal" is strictly an 80's byproduct.
GoDrex said:
They certainly influenced all the hair bands, in nearly every way.

Edward certainly influenced a lot of the guitarists in said hair metal bands (hell, he influenced a whole generation of guitarists).