
Most embarrassing moment on stage

You know, I don’t come across a lot of people who cover U2.

While many say that the guitar liicks are not hard, they do really require you to think differently.

They sure do. Back in 2016 I did a cover of Mofo, you can check it here if you like. It's all me except the vocals, which I wisely subcontracted out to a friend who can actually sing.

Anyway, figuring out all of Edge's parts, and then trying to figure out how to actually get (sort of close to) the sounds was a real education, and none of it was easy. Dude is a wizard.

My two favorite guitar players are Edge and EVH, who have basically nothing in common except for being absolute masters of rhythm. And getting great tones. And writing great songs. Ok so that's a few things.
"Pride" is the only U-2 song I ever performed in front of a live audience. It's pretty easy, unlike a lot of their other songs.
Yeah Pride is pretty much a compressor, a drive if needed, verb and a *1/8 at proper bpm.

No musical arpeggio knowledge needed to connect all the chords together.
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I mainly play CCM which largely uses U2 based tones and playing styles. If I don’t have a compressor, multi drives, multi delays, multi verbs , I have to compromise.