
My low profile on the board kinda-explained

Hey Orpheo--

I'm really sorry about what went down!  I've had my fair share of trouble with women as well. I'm just lucky that when I was in college, I always chose on-campus apartments, which were handled by the university--no name to split on. At least you didn't get one who was psycho enough to lie about being on the pill in an attempt to get pregnant in order to keep you from breaking up with her, like my first one did. Her mother felt so bad about that that she and her husband apologized to me, and tore her a couple of new ones once they found out what happened. My second one was a selfish, spoiled, only child that I fell into while on the rebound. She was GORGEOUS, but such a pain in the butt!  I finally cut my losses with her when I couldn't take it anymore, and as soon as that happened, all of her sorority sisters started taking a big interest in me due to the fact that they enjoyed my company more than hers.

Two years later, I met my wife, and, while she's bossy, a control freak, stubborn, and her bedroom attitude sits at "platonic,"  I wouldn't trade her for the world. Plus, I keep her entertained. And, if things get boring enough, each of us has a "freebie" that the other person would be okay with the other having. She has Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers and Johnny Depp, and I have Kari Byron from Mythbusters and Giada De Laurentiis from the Food Network.

Personally my absence has stemmed from a little man that my wife and I brought into the world back in November, and from the fact that when work gets thin, I have to cut my hours, and hobbies get boxed up. But, on a plus, my dad restores furniture for a living, and has been perfecting the sunburst technique for the tri-color Strat I want to do for my first full-on build-from-scratch project.

One thing I learned about women though.....not every brunette is evil, but every evil woman I've met has been a brunette!
Graffiti62 said:
Giada De Laurentiis from the Food Network.

Mmmm... Giada... If I had admin rights over her, I would so spoil that woman.

