I saw them on the Powerslave tour back in the day, and it remains the biggest rock spectacle I've ever seen. Egyptian pyramids, gigantic Eddie mummy shooting flames out of his eyes. What's not to love. I've spent my whole adult life telling my kids how awesome it was.
Imagine my elation when a few years ago they announced the "Somewhere Back in Time" tour, complete with the entire stage set from the Powerslave tour. I took my wife and both out kids, and got to relive my experience with them. It was pretty freaking awesome.
Iron Maiden = good family fun.
On another note, those guys haven't missed a step, particularly Bruce. I would sure like to know how he has kept his voice is such tremendous shape. In a time when aging singers are retiring or their bands are tuning down 1/2 or an entire step or more to accommodate their failing range, Bruce is sounding better than he did in the 30 years ago. They've all stayed in good shape too.
Up the irons!