
LP Build


Hero Member
Hey, I just came across this body on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/2001-Gibson-USA-Les-Paul-Standard-BODY-NECK_W0QQitemZ190342309218QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item2c51492562

I'd like to build a Les Paul sooner or later but I'm just afraid I'd be throwing money.

Would I be better off ordering from Warmoth instead?
i've seen this guy's auctions before. i gave a lot of thought to building a les paul off of these parts, but i'd be really hard pressed to say it's worth it. paying $1200 for a body and neck with absolutely nothing else included. you buy a working les paul studio for that amount!

i say build a warmoth. if you're willing to pay $1200 for just the body and neck you could have an unlimited number of options added to the LP. whatever body wood, binding (natural or otherwise), a crazy top, and whatever finish you'd like. plus the neck could be whatever finish (i hate painted necks) and wood you'd like. i'd say it's definitely worth sacrificing the set neck. i actually prefer a bolt on, so that doesn't bother me at all!
A Warmoth would be in that price range, but would have better features like a contoured heel and a compound fretboard radius.  Plus it's less risky to buy from Warmoth than it is to buy on ebay.  I'd go with a Warmoth.

Yeah it's just that I'm kinda limited on the money since I want to buy a Carvin half stack BUT Warmoth is having this anniversary sale. Sooo I'm split between building a Les Paul right now because I'll save money or go straight for the half stack :P.

Unless I buy a smaller amp just for now and get the Les Paul going :O!!
Also, that one on Ebay already comes with a repaired headstock fracture.  Not a deal breaker, just saying.  The Warmoth would be brand spanking new.  In your choice of colors.  And 20% off!
Man you could buy that beautiful grey LP I've been fighting off and get a nice neck to boot for that money with the sale now. All new, no past issues, NO NICELY CLEANED UP NECK FRACTURES, beautiful finish. You'd be mad to buy that guitar, and I've bought tons from that ebay seller (never a problem). 
buy a warmoth LP. that will pay off so much more in the end than a gibson. you'll love it more, you'll play it more, and to top it all off: it will be a guitar YOU build and (kinda) designed. my choice? buy that lovely piece of body in the showcase, order a wenge/ebony neck with block or trapezoid inlay, 3 gold humbuckers installed, duncan jb/phat staple/jazz, and ROCK ON!