
Long scale basses (36", 37")

Wyliee said:
I can barely reach the G string tuner on a 34" scale Jbass neck.  Extending the neck out two or three inches would make the tuners unreachable.....

Perhaps the standard Precision/Jazz body and Fender headstock wouldn't be best for this kind of neck extension.  However, the G4 body has a longer upper horn, which should help immensely.  And using the Warmoth 2+2 headstock should keep the tuners within easier reach.

I find that the tuners on my Gecko 5-string basses (35" scale) are easier to reach than the tuners on my Zon Legacy 5-string bass, which has a 34" scale but a VERY short upper body horn.  Both have a 3+2 headstock with similar spacing.

Wyliee said:
Plus... where could one find strings long enough to stretch the 36/37" scale length with enough left over to reach the G string and wrap around the tuner?

Warwick sells a string set for their "Dark Lord" bass, which has a 37" scale.  However, the tuning is F#-B-E-A (yes, that's a low F#) and I think it also has a 2+2 headstock.

There are a few custom string makers who will make strings to any length and any gauge, but you're right, finding strings could be an issue.

Most DR string sets work well up to 35" scale.  I've used these on Geckos for years, and there's probably enough to work up to 36" scale, except for the low B string.   D'Addario also makes some sets in "super long scale" which should work up to 35" or 36".  I can't speak for many other brands, since I usually use these two.
