
Liquid Glass?!


Junior Member
not sure if this post should be somewhere else. If so, please move it....
anyway a company came out with a liquid glass spray that could change everything. I wonder if it would be good for guitar finishes as well.. any ideas anyone?

would be superior protection for sure.

here's the link. http://www.nanopool.eu/couk/index.htm
You going to apply 500 coats so it's at least as thick as a human hair? Don't think this is meant to be used as a top finish for wood....
It's not new, and the company has a poor history with this type of product (and it's appeared more than once). Google "Magic Nano" and "Nanopool" for more info, it was essentially not what it claimed to be and in one case a ton of people became ill. Add to that they've had their internet hype department hard at work this past week, tons of random ad websites have press release articles on it.

I'd stay far away from the stuff. This is a small family company, not a true nanotech firm they're trying to sell themselves as.
Nanopool's website is pretty lol. Lots of big words, but when you actually read them, it's just complete and utter babble...


Notice the total absence of any sort of qualifications, technical references, who their management personnel are, and so on. I'm pretty sure if you spray this stuff on your guitar it will probably explode or give you pink eye or something. 

Glad you posted this. Stuck at the office due to the massive snowstorm with nothing better to do.
That stuff reads like poorly translated spam....my BS meter is jumpin' like a biker in the free beer line.
=CB= said:
That stuff reads like poorly translated spam....my BS meter is jumpin' like a biker in the free beer line.

LOL!!  :laughing7:  :laughing7:  :laughing7:  :laughing3: :laughing11: