
Lefty guitars... why?

The best reason to start a left handed child playing right handed guitars is more available of instruments.
I'm a lefty and I play right handed.
If you want your child to be able to try an instrument before (s)he buys, go righty.

Not only that, but I would say learning to fret is harder than learning to pick.

Also, lefty's require stage right, otherwise their neck's tangle with the rest of us....
I just couldn't play right handed.  It felt so unnatural.  Take your guitar and play it upside down.  That is how it felt when I tired to play right handed.
Superlizard said:
They do, however, make left handed tennis rackets*.

(*disclaimer: no, not really.  But people fall for that one all the time.)
Don't forget about metric crescent wrenches either.

But back to the topic at hand.  A friend that teaches has run into this question a lot and his reply is, "When you start playing/learning guitar, one hand will work better than the other.  You can learn to play the guitar either way, one hand will just have to catch up.  But, once you decide, it is almost impossible to switch."

I personally have not had to deal with this question, so I am not going to be able to add much, but his comment did make sense.

Patrick from Davis said:
Don't forget about metric crescent wrenches either.


DangerousR6 said:
Every cresent wrench has metric equivelent of max open on them..... :tard:

Actually it's the length, not how far it opens. No way the one on top opens up 10"!  :doh:
Ummm. WHy not do both.... At the same time??

The whole guitar would cost major $$$ :laughing7:
After listening to and seing that solo, I had to change pants, is that normal? :icon_tongue:
There's a reason nobody can pronounce his last name correctly.....

.... and that's because they all have shit in their underwear
I'm purely a south paw - do everything lefty. When I wanted to start taking lessons many moons ago this was discussed. As I remember a couple of arguments were brought up - No.1 Most guitar teachers are going to be right handed themselves and more comfortable teaching that way. No.2 Guitar playing does take both hands - both hands have to learn a skill - if at the point of learning those skills neither hand has become accustomed to either picking or fretting - why not just start off playing the so called "right handed" way.

In my mind for normal rock playing (ie fretting with the left hand, picking with the right) the left hand works a lot harder and needs to have better individual finger dexterity - which you would think you would be better with on your dominant hand. 

I never thought about the fact that left handed electrics are few and far between - but certainly that could be an issue- you are either limited to low end guitars or custom guitars with a few exceptions.

The idea of playing left handed at this point feels very strange to me.
Why did you allow your kid to be left handed in the first place. You should have forced him to do things the "right way" from the get go. I'm just kidding but actually my son is a lefty and I just figured he was better of learning righty. Well that that was not very productive. For whatever reason it just didn't click. He had my instruction, professional instruction, and his school instruction and his teacher finally conceded and when he began to play lefty he soared. The bigger issue was he lost interest. That was so disappointing for me. He became heavily interested in sports and lettered in his freshman year for football and basketball. He began taking college courses at the local community college during his freshman year as well. He attends basketball camps in Aspen and going to the Payton Manning Passing Academy next week. Too bad the dumb kid couldn't dedicate himself to something with a potential future like the guitar.