Max said:
Awesome story!
My chances of meeting one of my idols is pretty much nonexistent.
I'm neither tall nor thin, so my Ramone days are over, it seems.
Nah, don't get too despondent about not meeting so called famous folks yet, Max.
I was working at a major international airport (Sydney is the largest airport in Australia) and a lot of flights had to come our way. That meant a greater potential to meet all the 'beautiful' people :confused4:.
Often you'd just notice them going about their business of getting off a flight or going through customs or trying to get on a flight. And you really felt a goose going up to them and saying 'are you such-and-such'.
A couple of rare occasions I had to step in when they looked over my way with a help me look when they had a plane to catch in a hurry and had people wanting to talk to them or otherwise hold them up (photo and autograph requests etc.). But that was only when they were travelling privately without an entourage and had no minder or personal assistant to sort of step in and say to the fan: "look we really have a flight to catch, sorry."
It was a past time of mine to spot the celebrity. The female celebs were often the hardest to pick out in the crowd. If they didn't want to be identified, a lot of the women would just dress down, not wear a lot of makeup and they'd only look a little like who they were. That threw a lot of people.
When you had rock acts coming to town, they'd be escorted in and out of the airport by people. Sometimes we'd get called in to assist, a lot of times not. We had control of the security of the sterile area of the airport so once the folks went through the screening point, we'd look out for them. Often they just bought some duty free and headed into the pre arranged group lounge or first class lounge. Often the airline they were travelling with would assign a staff member to walk them through as a courtesy, to help them with duty free purchases and what not.
I have a fair few stories, of course. Work long enough at a major international airport and most folks do.
But really, if you just treat them like the average folks, most celebs just appreciate the time left alone to go about the business at hand.
I did have a couple of occassions where I was the 'johnny on the spot' who had to trouble shoot a matter involving a celeb or two and that was always a pressured situation. One was a famous American actor who had been to Sydney for a promo visit of his latest movie who got into a rather heated argument with a sales girl and was a real pig to her (he appeared intoxicated by
somethiing and I warned him I was 1 radio call away from calling Customs and Immigration and bumping him off the flight due to suspicious intoxication and having the Federal Police look at his luggage) and another was a one hit wonder pop sensation from the UK who was too sexy be searched after a positive result on the screening point ( also threatened with arrest for interferring with the operations of the airport security system and refusing to searched).
Out of that time, I would just stand by and watch them, sometimes we had eye contact and have a quick chat. At times, I struggled to keep my cool and not gush over them. But the only guy I really REALLY couldn't talk to, because of who he was, was George Harrison. He was my idol when I first got interested in music and I realised if I went to speak with him while he waited for his limo to be brought around, I'd make a bloody fool out of myself. I had a work colleague stand with him, and he struck up a good chat with him and got his autograph. I eventually bought the autograph.
I had a work colleague who had handed in his notice one busy spring at that time, and he went around LOOKING for celebs to sign his Official Notebook before he left the job! He spent 4 weeks running around at any suspected sighting grabbing all sorts of autographs, all whilst in full uniform on duty. He was leaving he couldn't care! Leslie Neilsen (Frank Drebbin ) thought it hilarious when Batch told him what he was doing (and duly signed the Official Notebook too). That Notebook, when he handed it in, read like a who's who of who had been in Sydney for that month. :laughing8:
Max, if you get into a group and gig around, you may end up supporting some 'names'.
Likewise, if you work at places where the celebs would pass through, like an airport or major hotel etc., then you may see them then too. But it is something that is often frowned upon by places such as hotels, and if a celeb is staying there they often just want to kick back after a long day and relax (and not get hassled by a worker there, for an autograph or a chat). You have to pick when is the best time to play the fan, in other words.