
Jazzmaster/Mustang With Floyd Rose...

Torment Leaves Scars

Hero Member
Okay, before anyone says anything, I know this was briefly touched upon in a previous thread I'd posted to, and the word was that a Floyd with a Jazz/Stang body wouldn't work because of the scale...

Let's talk about it for a moment. :)  I don't know what it is, but I just really find an attraction to the Jazz/Stang body, especially because a lot of other people don't like it, or because it isn't popular. 

I've been kicking around this idea now for a while, and I really want a Jazz/Stang with a Floyd.  Is there any way to get a longer neck, or do something to get a slightly longer scale than the "original" scale so I would be able to do a floating Floyd?  I just think it would be totally badass to have a hot-rodded Jazz/Stang. 

All suggestions are welcome.  :)
wouldn't work because of the scale? it's a bridge.  of course you can make it work.
jazzmasters are traditionally on strat/tele scale.  the stang is the shorty 24" - which is what the 7/8 series is as well, and i've seen floyds on those too.
if you're after it, you can get a baritone conversion neck for any 25.5 body
7/8 Warhead necks are 24 3/4" scale and will intonate on the 24 " scale Jagstang body, and makes it a 24 3/4" scale instrument.
Gregg said:
7/8 Warhead necks are 24 3/4" scale and will intonate on the 24 " scale Jagstang body, and makes it a 24 3/4" scale instrument.

Not a huge fan of the "Warhead."  Would it be possible to go with a neck with a "Fender" headstock on it?  Also, I'm not familiar with how to tell what scale size a body is.  What constitutes the size of the body?
Can't get a Fenderish head. Can get a paddle head though. You can't really tell from the size of a body what its scale length is. You can read about a body's specs on its catalog webpage though.
If you go with the Mustang or Jaguar body, these necks are meant for it's stubby little 24" scale: http://www.warmoth.com/Pages/ClassicShowcase.aspx?Body=1&Shape=33&Path=Mustang
(not for the 7/8 series!)
Gregg said:
Can't get a Fenderish head. Can get a paddle head though. You can't really tell from the size of a body what its scale length is. You can read about a body's specs on its catalog webpage though.

AutoBat said:
If you go with the Mustang or Jaguar body, these necks are meant for it's stubby little 24" scale: http://www.warmoth.com/Pages/ClassicShowcase.aspx?Body=1&Shape=33&Path=Mustang
(not for the 7/8 series!)

I wanna ask a question, but I don't know what to ask, if that makes any sense.    :help:

What constitutes one scale from another one?  Is it the neck pocket?  The length of the neck?  The length of the back of the body to the neck pocket?  I'm not understanding.  :tard:

From what I read on the other thread, my understanding was that a Floyd can't be used on a Jag/Stang because of the short scale, and it would constantly go out of tune.  Wouldn't a neck of a longer scale remedy this problem?  :icon_scratch:
Here is a good definition of scale length:


Yes, you can put a Floyd Rose bridge on a Jazzmaster.  The way to do it correctly would be to order a body with no bridge routing, and either do it yourself or have a luthier do it for you.  An even better way to do it would be to have someone build either a neck or body to spec.  Warmoth is a great option for custom guitars, but they can only take it so far, because they are producing on a large scale.  I'd be glad to put you in touch with some guys that could help you out if you're interested in custom work.  Just send me a pm.  I'd post it publicly, but I'm not sure what the rules are regarding that.  GL!

iamdavidmorris said:
Here is a good definition of scale length:


Yes, you can put a Floyd Rose bridge on a Jazzmaster.  The way to do it correctly would be to order a body with no bridge routing, and either do it yourself or have a luthier do it for you.  An even better way to do it would be to have someone build either a neck or body to spec.  Warmoth is a great option for custom guitars, but they can only take it so far, because they are producing on a large scale.  I'd be glad to put you in touch with some guys that could help you out if you're interested in custom work.  Just send me a pm.  I'd post it publicly, but I'm not sure what the rules are regarding that.  GL!


Hey, thanks for the explanation you sent, David. 

This project is just something I've been kicking around in my head.  If it comes to fruition where it's something I want to pursue, I'll let ya know.
It sounds like a cool build. I've been wanting a mustang with a wilkinson bridge for a while but i don't think it's available from Warmoth.
NLD09 said:
It sounds like a cool build. I've been wanting a mustang with a wilkinson bridge for a while but i don't think it's available from Warmoth.

Mustangs are a bit thinner that strats (1 1/2" vs. 1 3/4"), so that would be an issue. I think I've seen thinner import strats with trems, so it might be doable.
everyone seems to be confusing jazzmasters and jaguars around here. The jazzmaster is a full scale guitar, which, might I add, would work great with a floyd rose, and you can order one like this straight from warmoth. The jaguar looks like a jazzmaster except that it has metal control plates in the place of a full pickguard, and it has the shorter scale length. The jaguar, like the jagstang and the mustang, would need to be purchased without a bridge rout and routed for a floyd by your local luthier.
rockskate4x said:
everyone seems to be confusing jazzmasters and jaguars around here. The jazzmaster is a full scale guitar, which, might I add, would work great with a floyd rose, and you can order one like this straight from warmoth. The jaguar looks like a jazzmaster except that it has metal control plates in the place of a full pickguard, and it has the shorter scale length. The jaguar, like the jagstang and the mustang, would need to be purchased without a bridge rout and routed for a floyd by your local luthier.

I'm more interested in the shape than the actual model.  What is the model with those "flip switches" in the upper part of the body, because I just don't like that at all.  I'd love to have one of these shaped guitars, but with the pickup switches and knobs in "standard" positions...
you don't have to put anything in the upper toggle areas
Torment Leaves Scars said:
Cool.  The JAZZMASTER is the guitar that I'm after then, NOT the Jaguar, correct?  

The Jazzmaster is full scale (25.5") and it is available from Warmoth with all the regular bridge options plus its own trem. There are a few in the showcase that can come with a Floyd. I like this one:


The Jaguar is short scale (24") and Warmoth only does the standard Jaguar trem on it. Not sure why, it should work with other bridges.
richship said:
Torment Leaves Scars said:
Cool.  The JAZZMASTER is the guitar that I'm after then, NOT the Jaguar, correct?  

The Jazzmaster is full scale (25.5") and it is available from Warmoth with all the regular bridge options plus its own trem. There are a few in the showcase that can come with a Floyd. I like this one:


The Jaguar is short scale (24") and Warmoth only does the standard Jaguar trem on it. Not sure why, it should work with other bridges.

Okay, cool!  I think I might just hotrod a Jazzy the next time around.  :party07: :headbang1: :party07:
AutoBat said:
you don't have to put anything in the upper toggle areas
You can even get that pickgaurd cut for a Floyd... :icon_thumright: