Ok, I see what you are commenting on, let me explain....
mully how many people are without power over there? it seems to me that much of japan was turned into a third world country over night. if the power plant leaks aren't controlled japan might never be the same.
Not to downplay anything but it's a small area compared to the rest of the country. Lots of farmland up in that area. Total devastation though. Millions of people without electricity. Relief and rescue efforts are on full scale though. They will rebound from this.
What I meant by a relatively small area was trying to convey the image that the entire country wasn't turned into a 3rd world country by this. In no way shape or form was I trying to downplay the severity of what is happening up there. I just don't want people thinking that the entire country is like this. Outside of that area things are as they usually are. It probably would have been better to convey the image by saying imagine living in Jacksonville, Florida and a huge hurricane takes out Miami. It doesn't lessen the severity of the situation in Miami, but nothing happened in Jacksonville.