A good thing to remember is that earthquakes are the release of pent-up frictional pressure, so something on this scale means the plates have just adjusted to relieve that. It's unlikely anything on this scale will happen again for quite some time.
Guys, just checking in and thought this would be the appropriate thread to do it in.
We're 6 months past the earthquake/tsunami. Things aren't all beds of roses up north but they are slowly getting things cleaned up. Still a lot of people living in shelters. Don't know much about the reactors other than they just got one of them under 100 degrees yesterday or the day before. Been keeping my ear to the ground about radiation levels in my area but haven't heard anything that warrants any panic. So far I have raised close to $5,000 for relief efforts and all monies have been donated to "Save the Children". I also have a web shop set up selling mugs, t-shirts etc... that was originally supposed to be supporting the Japan YouTubers community but all proceeds from that shop are also going to relief efforts until it is no longer needed. I haven't forgotten the people up north and I still pray that they can get back to as close to a normal life as they can as soon as possible.
I appreciate everyone that got involved here and kept tabs on me and my wife. We're still fine here in Shizuoka...knock on wood.
Talk at ya soon,
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