Japan Earthquake and Tsunamis


Hero Member
Just watching the news now here in DC. Hope everybody's safe! I know Mully is in Japan and there are a few other members in countries that are under Tsunami Warnings right now. Praying for you all.
i was in an earth quake over there a few years ago. in was a 6.8 magnitude at the epi center which was 40miles away, i dont really know what it was at my location but i can say it was frightening, i had been through some tremors before but that was a whole different experience. it went on for what must have been a couple of minutes.
Oh my, haven't even read the news yet.  Stay safe everyone, we're thinking of you.

I've only been in some harmless West Coast quakes that didn't kill anyone or cause major damage so I have nothing great to offer other than my thoughts and well wishes.
Thanks, guys. I'm pretty far south of there. It registered a 3 or 4 here and shook for a long fkking time. Sorry for the F bomb but this crap scares me to death. But, we are safe and sound for now. Thanks again for checking.
Good to hear Mully--thanks for checking in with us.

I know Japan has strict building codes to survive earthquakes, but initial reports suggest that the tsunami damage might be a problem.  Hope everyone weathers the storm safely.
Thanks for checking in Mully.....as soon as I heard about it I thought of you and your well being.
Thanks for the concern, guys. We are safe here in Shizuoka.....for now at least. Those poor people up north, prayers for them.
Glad to hear you and yours are Ok Mully - I heard about it on the news last night and you're the first person I thought of.

Stay safe!

We've got friends in Kanagawa and have not heard from them yet.  They're on the coast.  Hopefully they're far enough south the tsunami wasn't too bad.

i used to live near here^^^ i hear my japanese friend Hiroshi is now sleeping in his car! im gonna check in with my friend justin who keeps in touch with some of my other japanese aquaintances more often than i do and see who else he has heard from.
One of best friends in this world lives in Tokyo, I was pretty worried until he replied on the Gmail chat. He was curing his PTSD with saké and worrying for his wife, can't say I blame him for that (she was stuck in an ariport shuttle bus and not missing or anything). Those poor bastards living on the north east coast can't have it easy tonight though... :sad:

Good to hear you're ok Mully. Stay safe.
mullyman said:
Thanks, guys. I'm pretty far south of there. It registered a 3 or 4 here and shook for a long fkking time. Sorry for the F bomb but this crap scares me to death. But, we are safe and sound for now. Thanks again for checking.

Glad to hear you are OK Mully.....Hope your friends and family are safe too...take care & report back in a  few days or so & let us all know how things are over there. Floods in Brisbane, Quakes in Christchurch and Tokyo, been a busy couple of months for Emergency Services people. Old Mother Earth is a bit cranky these days.
hannaugh said:
Another one just hit!  6.6, man these earthquakes are huge!

Yeah, the aftershocks are pretty big too, and they're happening like every half hour or so.

I have watched the news here today, and as always it is sensationalized.
I know that being in the area can tell so much more.
I want to send out my thoughts and prayers to you and your family and friends over there. Having lived there so long I know there are friends affected and I hope that you can help them heal.
I can only imagine from watching the videos of the tsunami what it must be like in teh effected areas and the pain they are going through, I hope all of your friends and family are ok, and that those that need help are able to obtain it.
May a light be shown from your life over there and I hope you can find a way to help those in need


For a scientific explanation if what's currently happening there, press and hold the F11 key.
Here's some crazy shit, read this:


* 100+ aftershocks have rated 5.0 magnitude or more in Japan since the initial shake.

* Earth's axis has reportedly shifted ten inches as a result of the quake, and Japan's coast is said to have permanently shifted 2.4 metres.

* The quake was 900 times stronger than the quake that hammered San Francisco in 1989.

My Jack Russel Terrier woke me up around the same time this happened early this morning. He started run around and barking at nothing, then came and sat next to me with his ear at attention. I didn't know what was up until I heard the morning news hours later. I'm in Louisiana and he picks up on it. Animals are amazing with the things they can sense.
i didn't realize just how bad it was till i saw some of the articles. i was in a 6.8 magnitude quake and it was more violant than i had ever imagined. this quake rated an 8.9! 8.9! that's more than 100 times what i experienced! words cant describe it! also the pic i posted of hachinohe harbor was a good 100 miles from sendai where the epi-center was near! over tuned tankers 100 miles away! all i can say is wow!/ mully keep safe!

in all of this the death toll was 613 last i checked. i cant imagine why it is so low the numbers are mind boggling. im glad for japan that the death toll seems to be low thus far but for so many people, life wont be the same. the destruction must be in the billions.