How risky/difficult is it to drill pot holes in a double f-hole hollowbody?

Even the blood from the little cloud guy's in Rejected? 

ByteFrenzy said:
Don't you find that the 'ex' prefix makes a drummer a lot less annoying? So the current drummer's blood might do?

Truthfully, I'm not the VooDoo Practitioner who conjured up this particular charm.  I guess it would depend upon the drummer in question.  I've got one ex-drummer that's still a good friend.  And our new drummer is turning out to be an excellent fit in style and personality.  I've only got one ex-drummer whose very existance is offensive to all things decent and just.

I wonder what the outcome of this mod  might be with keyboardist blood?  Oooh, better yet, "Lead Singer" blood!
Its not hard to drill a pot hole.

I didnt even know it was hard to do until this thread. I've drilled holes in my dot without any issue. I just started with a 1/8" bit and then used a larger bit to get it to the right size.
Holy crap!  I step away from a thread for a week and all of a sudden we're doing VooDoo on ex-dummers!

I used to belong to the Rickenbacker forum.  No way anything like this would wash there :)
mayfly said:
I used to belong to the Rickenbacker forum.

Does that endow your blood with any tone enhancing properties?

(secretly draws a gryphon claw bladed dagger and inches a step closer)  :evil4:

There needs to be a GAS role playing game based on this conversation. 

"You have annointed your guitar with the blood of an annoying former drummer.  +10 to Sustain."
I was thinking more like a computer based rpg, that way we could all play.  Something ala Diablo?
It is possible to thoroughly mod Diablo II - there used to be a mod which rethemed it to the LOTR world. It should be perfectly feasible to mod it into something revolving around guitar building and playing. Unfortunately that sort of creativity is rather frowned upon by the people at Blizzard who are very intent on herding all who play their games into clean, safe, comfortable and unmodded pastures.
"You have summoned Army of Groupies with the Scepter of Hendrix.  Increase Aura of Fame by +20 for 3 hours"
How did we go from Voodoo and witchcraft into Dungeons and Dragons or World of Warcrack?  Don't you folks know that stuff isnt real?  I personally would rather leave the house and put a curse on someone IN PERSON, not do it via online video game.  Thats just lame.

Seriously, I know two couples headed for divorce over the husband's addiction to that stupid world of warcrack.  Jeeze, get out of the house and have a real affair like a normal person!
Vol. Knob said:
Seriously, I know two couples headed for divorce over the husband's addiction to that stupid world of warcrack.  Jeeze, get out of the house and have a real affair like a normal person!

Well, all things in moderation. 

Maybe the wives should have started playing?  Just an idea.
hannaugh said:
Well, all things in moderation. 

That's the reason why I passed up on WOW - If you're putting much less time into it than the other people  around you, you're not going to get anywhere. With Diablo you could play an hour a week or twelve hours a day, in both cases you would get to the end eventually. It would just take proportionally longer. But in the MMO games, the players are really pressured to spend more time online.
ByteFrenzy said:
hannaugh said:
Well, all things in moderation. 

That's the reason why I passed up on WOW - If you're putting much less time into it than the other people  around you, you're not going to get anywhere. With Diablo you could play an hour a week or twelve hours a day, in both cases you would get to the end eventually. It would just take proportionally longer. But in the MMO games, the players are really pressured to spend more time online.

I loved Diablo and Diablo 2 so much.  I really hope that the single player version of Diablo 3 is just as good as the multiplayer, but I have a feeling it's not going to be that great because they're really pushing the MMO aspect of it.  At least D3 will offer the single player version though. 

I'll spent a couple of months a year playing for an hour or two per evening, then I don't play again for another year.  That's a much better way to go in my opinion. 

In any case, I'm excited to try it out because the previews I have seen look amazing. 
This thread is a giant cup of awesome.  For the record, DAoC is the best PvP/RvR game ever, and even D3 will not surpass it, I'm afraid.

AprioriMark said:
This thread is a giant cup of awesome.  For the record, DAoC is the best PvP/RvR game ever, and even D3 will not surpass it, I'm afraid.


You people REALLY need lives; check on eBay...
AprioriMark said:
This thread is a giant cup of awesome.  For the record, DAoC is the best PvP/RvR game ever, and even D3 will not surpass it, I'm afraid.


I don't know about that, D3 looks pretty rad.  3 words: Wall of Zombies.
Vol. Knob said:
You don't run the risk of causing the guitar to implode, ripping a hole in space, and/or time,  destroying most of the universe, unless you've used a drill that's been retrofitted with an infinite improbability drive.

I believe the last guitar to successfully be drilled for control pots using an infinite improbability drill would have been that of Hotblack Desiato, of Disaster Area fame.  No I take that back...Desiato played the ajuitar.