
Bad experience with 3D printed templates. Anybody have a METAL templates for Planet Waves


Junior Member
Hey gang
So I've just had a very bad experience with some 3D printed dill template for guitar tuners.

Now right off the bat let me say that I'm not going to mention the name of the offending vendor or the purchase site. I don't want to drag this nice forum that Warmoth provides us, into this.

I have an old Fender MIM neck that has those two pin locking fender locking tuners. I wanted to harvest those tuners off the old Fender neck and put them on my recently acquired used Warmoth Strat neck. I successfully removed the tuners from the Fender neck, put the drill guide on the Warmoth, made some test drills, placed the tuner in the hole. And the just drilled holes for the two locating posts were off, off by a least two drill diameters.

Well Fudge.

So I went back to what I've done in the past. Drawing parallel lines with the mechanical pencil and a small metal ruler. Using an awl to make an impression, drilling short test holes, then inserting the tuner, and so on until completion.
So anyway it's done now, it was tedious and difficult but the fender two post locker are now on the Warmoth neck.

Can you actually make a usable drill template with a 3D printer? All the drill guides I've used before were steel or aluminum. Was it foolish of me to expect this to work ?

I'm into this guy for $12 and $13 ($25) for the two guides plus some shipping. I gather his material cost, the plastic resin used by the printer would only be like a penny per object printed.
Of course he is refusing a refund.

These days the Planet waves tuners are my locking tuners of choice. I put a set of them on my last new Warmoth neck, I did that by the "...Drawing parallel lines with the mechanical pencil and a small metal ruler. Using an awl to make an impression...." method that I'm frankly tiring of.

Anybody have a METAL drill template for Planet Waves?

The Fender two pins lockers were a one off thing. I had a set of tuners that I wanted to reuse, but the neck I wanted to reuse them on, was not predrilled for the two locating pins. In fact it was not drilled for anything.

The Planet waves which are my current fave, do not use pins, they use one conventional locating screw. I've installed the Planet waves on two necks. The first neck was a modern Kramer Baretta. The Planet waves were a direct replacement for the OEM tuners, so that was easy.

The next installation of Planet Waves, was on a Warmoth Strat neck, I had ordered the big tuning holes to be drilled to the Planet Waves size (13/32" - 10.32mm) however it was up to me to drill the small locating screw holes.

I did that by the usual ruler and marking awl method that I described above. I'd like a drill template for the next install.

Hope this was more clear than my first post.

I did that by the usual ruler and marking awl method that I described above. I'd like a drill template for the next install.

Drill templates are not so much a thing for conventional locating screws, so I cannot think of a product to recommend. I suppose you could make one if you will be doing numerous necks.