
hello all


Hey, all  - my brother is turning eleven in a month, and he's expressed a a desire to start playing the drums.  He's been dinking around with a toy kit, and his time is surprisingly solid for a kid his age (or for a guitarist).  I want to get a decent kit for him for his birthday, but know nothing about how to shop for drums.  Any tips?

My son turned 11 in June and his grandma bought him this set for his birthday:

It's an excellent value.  It was on sale for about 40 bucks less at the time, but even at the current price I'd be comfortable recommending it.
You can get some surprisingly nice drums for pretty reasonable prices these days. Where youi'll get killed is in hardware. Cymbals, stands, etc. Most of the drummers I've known have had more money in brass and mechanicals than they did in drums. But, you gotta start somewhere. You can always add/improve pieces as you go along.

A good thing to keep in mind is that things like cymbals rarely suffer for being used, so keep you eye on Craig's List and eBay. There are always starving artists practically giving things away to get money RFN.