
Guitar stands

I started making my own wall hangers after I bought E-book from www.paintyourownguitar.com.

You can make them quite easily for under $1.00 each, and they work great.  

I've since re-designed the basic one that hangs from the headstock for my own purposes, but the concept is still the same.


They have some other helpful info there as well, and John is one of the nicest, most helpful people I've met in this biz.

It's $10 just for a book that tells you how to make a wall hanger?

Maybe if it was $1 or $2 i would buy it, but $10 :icon_scratch:
If you have several guitars, it is worth it.  You can also make them in bulk to sell.  I have friends coming in & out of my place all the time, & usually not enough stands on the ground when they bring all their instruments.  It'll more than pay for itself in the long run.