

line6man said:
Smart man. No high interest rates, and no temptation to buy a bunch of crap that you can't afford. :rock-on:

That is why I do not have credit cards.

Im lucky enough to have 0% interrest on my overdraft for 5 years, i already maxed the damn thing out... ahwell payday friday! :)
Disco Scottie said:
line6man said:
dNA said:
hmm. how then do/did you build credit?

Good question. :icon_scratch:

Don't believe the lie. You can get by just fine without credit. Your "credit score" is really a "how good am I at being in debt score"... not a good way to live.

Not to hijack the thread, but I have to disagree, try buying a nice house or car without a good credit score. Not gonna happen unless you pay in cash, and if you can buy a nice car/house with cash, it doesn't matter anyway.  :laughing7: :laughing7:
exactly disco scottie, I care more about how much I earn and how to earn more then I do about obtaining a credit score.  :laughing7:
Disco Scottie said:
Don't believe the lie. You can get by just fine without credit. Your "credit score" is really a "how good am I at being in debt score"... not a good way to live.

I just refinanced my house. My three credit scores were all over 815. Aside from my mortgage, my total debt at this moment is $550 (On an interest free credit card promotion). You don't have to be in debt to have a good credit score. And you don't have to run up a balance on a credit card. Not to say everyone should have one but things aren't as negative as some people seem to make them... FWIW I've never heard of anyone getting a mortgage with no credit history, and I have seen them get turned down due to no credit history. If that's not important to you, great. But saying anyone with a good credit score is "good at being in debt" simply isn't true.
I don't think there is such thing as a credit score in the UK. most European countries have a system where you get marked as a bad payer if you have been behind with payments..
User name                       Number of items      Total sold

clearerphish                              5                        188
Kublai                                      5      
TroubledTreble                          1      
Hannah                                    2      
Riverbluff                                  5      
mgaut051                                 2      
Patrick from Davis                     5      
Erik Z                                      5      
Ian Bagger                               5      
dan025                                    3      
DesmoDog                              3      
Death by Uberschall                 5      
crash                                      2      
richship                                   5      
bob7point7                              3      
Disco Scottie                          5      
wassholm                               5      
Shanejw                                 5      
Black Dog                              5      
Cagey                                    5      
mayfly                                    5      
JWL68th                                1      
tubby.twins                             4      
line6man                                3              2  annoymously given
ocguy106                               5
STDC                                     5
Autobat                                  1
GearBoxTy                              2
Danuda                                   2
jmohhill                                   5
B3Guy                                    1
Marko                                     2
Damon                                    5
exaN                                       2
Toronado                                 4
Jet-Jaguar                               3
Phantom Lord                          5
Pabloman                                5
Doughboy                                5
Kyler (JamesL)                         1
Dangerous R6                          3
Kei                                          3
dudesweet157                          5
exalted                                    5
Texicus                                   5
Luke                                       2
Jimbo                                     5
Nightclub Dwight                     2
Tempest                                 2
grabby                                    5
elgravos                                  3
dNA                                      1

Why am I the only one keeping the list updated? You buy waffles, you update the list.  :tard:
Because it would be chaos if everyone did it.  You're doing a good job.  Ken will be back soon enough.  Take a break if you need to, eveerythings going to be OK.
DesmoDog said:
I just refinanced my house. My three credit scores were all over 815. Aside from my mortgage, my total debt at this moment is $550 (On an interest free credit card promotion). You don't have to be in debt to have a good credit score. And you don't have to run up a balance on a credit card. Not to say everyone should have one but things aren't as negative as some people seem to make them... FWIW I've never heard of anyone getting a mortgage with no credit history, and I have seen them get turned down due to no credit history. If that's not important to you, great. But saying anyone with a good credit score is "good at being in debt" simply isn't true.

yeah. what this guy said. I'm 23 and I've had a credit card since I was 19. I have never been in debt for more than 30 days in my entire life. And unlike most people my age, I already have a good credit history. While you can get by without credit, you can also get by without shoes, without refined sugar, without cutting your hair, or without showering. It's a matter of what you want to do with your life and at a cost of $0 a month, I prefer having credit to not having it.
Yeah, regardless of whether you're willing to carry a balance or not, you really need a credit card and a reasonable credit rating to get things done easily. The world is using less and less cash - most money is 'virtual' now. I'll bet I didn't physically handle much more than a few hundred dollars last year, and I never went to the bank once.
Ok I'm in, cutting it close but I had to check my funds first

User name                      Number of items      Total sold

clearerphish                              5                        193
Kublai                                      5     
TroubledTreble                          1     
Hannah                                    2     
Riverbluff                                  5     
mgaut051                                2     
Patrick from Davis                    5     
Erik Z                                      5     
Ian Bagger                              5     
dan025                                    3     
DesmoDog                              3     
Death by Uberschall                5     
crash                                      2     
richship                                  5     
bob7point7                              3     
Disco Scottie                          5     
wassholm                              5     
Shanejw                                5     
Black Dog                              5     
Cagey                                    5     
mayfly                                    5     
JWL68th                                1     
tubby.twins                            4     
line6man                                3              2  annoymously given
ocguy106                              5
STDC                                    5
Autobat                                  1
GearBoxTy                              2
Danuda                                  2
jmohhill                                  5
B3Guy                                    1
Marko                                    2
Damon                                    5
exaN                                      2
Toronado                                4
Jet-Jaguar                              3
Phantom Lord                          5
Pabloman                                5
Doughboy                                5
Kyler (JamesL)                        1
Dangerous R6                          3
Kei                                          3
dudesweet157                          5
exalted                                    5
Texicus                                  5
Luke                                      2
Jimbo                                    5
Nightclub Dwight                    2
Tempest                                2
grabby                                    5
elgravos                                  3
dNA                                      1
kboman                                  3
rapfohl09                                2

and there you have it, I only saw me and kboman buy some since Joey last posted that sooo if I missed someone you can update it
NonsenseTele said:
Tried again... the paypal says "Your dream is DENIED" :laughing7: :sad:

Fernando, I don't know if your issue is strictly paypal, but if you wanted to try sending it to me I could send it to Ken for you, and if it didn't work I could refund the payment to you, but if you wanna try that to get in you better act quick...7 left

Also, I get to play your new guitar 10% of the time if you win. :)
User name                       Number of items      Total sold

clearerphish                              5                        193
Kublai                                      5      
TroubledTreble                          1      
Hannah                                    2      
Riverbluff                                  5      
mgaut051                                 2      
Patrick from Davis                     5      
Erik Z                                      5      
Ian Bagger                               5      
dan025                                    3      
DesmoDog                              3      
Death by Uberschall                 5      
crash                                      2      
richship                                   5      
bob7point7                              3      
Disco Scottie                          5      
wassholm                               5      
Shanejw                                 5      
Black Dog                              5      
Cagey                                    5      
mayfly                                    5      
JWL68th                                1      
tubby.twins                             4      
line6man                                3              2  annoymously given
ocguy106                               5
STDC                                     5
Autobat                                  1
GearBoxTy                              2
Danuda                                   2
jmohhill                                   5
B3Guy                                    1
Marko                                     3
Damon                                    5
exaN                                       2
Toronado                                 4
Jet-Jaguar                               3
Phantom Lord                          5
Pabloman                                5
Doughboy                                5
Kyler (JamesL)                         1
Dangerous R6                          3
Kei                                          3
dudesweet157                          5
exalted                                    5
Texicus                                   5
Luke                                       2
Jimbo                                     5
Nightclub Dwight                     2
Tempest                                 2
grabby                                    5
elgravos                                  3
dNA                                       1
kboman                                  3
rapfohl09                                2
Nonsense Tele                      5  Gotta love this board...this was a donation

1 left!!!!

$1,847.99 USD

7 spots left
was gonna get 2 more but it wont accept debit today.  :icon_scratch: wants me to add funds. well i hope the other transaction is still good. i dont have my routing number on hand and hope there will be 2 left when i get back to this later.