
GUITAR/BASS of the Month: November WINNER

who should win

  • Total voters
I shouldn't really bother this time... but whatever ;)

there are a whole lot of really sweet guitars this poll. I'd be happy to own any single entry, I think.  :hello2:
Apparently I'm the first voter?
This thread needs a bump.

I vote for dmraco's Red Devil.
line6man said:
Apparently I'm the first voter?
This thread needs a bump.

I vote for dmraco's Red Devil.

I just started the vote so you got to it fairly quick.
Jeez.  I entered mine this month because there were so few last time.  Then you guys, and gal, go and flood the poll with entries.  Ah well, looks like even I won't vote for mine.  :laughing11:  Alright, I'm going back through to decide......
jlegnor said:
I gotta say this was hard to make my mind up on. 

+1 Agreed  :icon_thumright:
There are some real beauties this month and I really wanted to vote for two...
That blue wild maple is just waaaaaaaaay too sexy! Great LP Hannaugh!  :headbang1:
I'm totally surprised that Business Time isn't getting more action here, if you'll excuse the expression.  It is quite lovely.