I run a 1967 jeep when I go out exploring, I am told it is a gross polluter, yet it is 43 years old, has only 80 thousand on the clock, and gets close to 20 MPG, I ask if I buy a new jeep, to get 17 MPG, plus the environmental cost to produce a new vehicle, would I not be going backward? would less MPG be a bad thing? would not the cost of production and the cost of recycling the old jeep far out weigh any savings?
I am saving a huge amount of water by not having a yard, but the state just redid a Freeway intersection and I noticed they are using?
a 2 inch line to feed the irrigation to it, So if they tell me to take out my lawn and make it water wise, why are they using all the savings in 1 month to water their landscape every day?
I got into a fender bender the other day with a city car, He was at fault, without a court case my insurance paid off as it was cheaper than fighting the city so my insurance rate goes up. I am not allowed to fight it or they cancel me.
I live a greener lifestyle than most of the people in this country, I actually volunteer about 20 Saturdays a year to do work in the National forest in replanting burn sites, weeding out invasive species, working in nurseries of native plants to be planted. yet I am told because I own a Jeep, and like to go out traveling preestablished jeep trails that I am destroying the forest. I stay on trails.
My personal experience with all of this, global warming, environmental issues,, economy, space issues, the government and religion is that NO ONE is correct, each and everyone is wrong. We have no truth as it is set down nowhere what we need to do.
Show me the answers in hard fact
what religion is correct? After all each one believes just as hard that theirs is, And each believe their book of mythology is the truth, so not using a bible, koran, Edda, or what ever prove which is correct
What political party is correct? That is the problem, again built on belief, it cannot be proved
What way to go on the environment? I think anyway is wrong, we past the population threshold years ago. it no longer is a environmental issue, it is a population issue.
Why do I change my lifestyle so the leaders do not have to change theirs?
Why should I have to pay outrageous taxes to support lavish parties in Washington when they say they cannot extend jobless benefits in this economy but still have a national Xmas tree?
Where is the justice?
where is the truth in the fact we pay out Billions a year in foreign aide so these countries do not need to tax their businesses and we lose jobs to them?
The issues are not Global warming, it is not religious Terrorism, it is not economic collapse, it is all about gathering money from us and living the high life, as we stress out and pay them to make it better, but they offer no solutions, Burning dirty energy, or using up our water does not stop the pollution from our cars, it just transfers it somewhere else.
the only science we need to invest in is the science of the truth. Not a science of swap out.