
Global warming... sick of hearing about it, but how about a non BS version?

hannaugh said:
I'll have to get my uncle to send me the link, but apparently there was an article somewhere about a guy who decided to raft through the melting glaciers to illustrate how bad the global warming problem was.  The only thing wrong with his idea: the glaciers weren't melted enough because in the year or two he had spent planning the expedition, the temperature went down enough that a lot of the ice came back.  The guy got stuck somewhere and had to be airlifted out because all he had for transportation was a raft.  I can't help but wonder what he said to all of his friends when he got home.  "Ummm, so it didn't really work..."

Right, the ice varies greatly in size from year to year. To bad he had to find out the way he did, the rest of the world has known about that for a long time.

Maybe that should be "greatly in" width, not necessarily thickness.
More to rip Al Gore than global warming...  :icon_jokercolor:

According to my cousin, his main graph in Inconvenient Truth was upside down (had the y-axis flipped) so he did have a graph for global cooling. Also, all his measurements were bs. I'll have to ask him what exactly was wrong with them again but you gotta love Al Gore.  :laughing7:

Between him and Scientology we have a good laugh (no offense to any scientologists out there, but the whole spaceship-overlord zombie thing is the funniest thing I've heard in my life)
The reason why there are experts on either side is because there is not enough accurate historical data to be able to project on. WIth the amount of data we have right now, it would be like trying to predict a child's temperment at age 4 based upon the the first 6 days of their life. That is best case scenario. Could be MUCH less than 6 days.
1.  There is historical evidence of cyclical climate change on planet Earth
2.  Review the word cyclical in #1 above
3.  Other planets in our solar system are currently also warming, with no help from humans
4.  My personal contribution of methane is considerable
=CB= said:
1.  There is historical evidence of cyclical climate change on planet Earth
2.  Review the word cyclical in #1 above
3.  Other planets in our solar system are currently also warming, with no help from humans
4.  My personal contribution of methane is considerable
All of this is FACT, except #4, which I am not willing to test LOL.
AutoBat said:
Oh great, a political thread.
[me=AutoBat]ducks out.[/me]
If this stays scientific and avoids attacks, politics shouldn't be a problem. Just needs to stay civil, I'm pretty pleased so far  :occasion14:
yes global warming is happening, has been happening since the last ice age, and at one point it will swing back to global cooling;

what our effect on it can not be told as we have nothing but ourselves, and our history to study, we have no other time in history to compare the data against.

there fore, all data is about current conditions, and there is noting to base it on, SOOOOOOO, we are the base line for future studies, that is all

everything else is just a guess.

What we do know is the history of the earth is full of species who have gone extinct, if we are domed to be one, then that is our fate. Millions of others have gone before us, why do we believe we are superior to them? All life has the same right to continue, to hold ourselves up as special is to deny nature.

So, what is happening to the environment? It is changing as it always has.

DO we affect it, Damn right, look at all the damage we have done, we need to make laws just to stop us from damaging it more.

Will we stop damaging it? NO, we are the biggest locust ever to live on the planet we have destroyed to survive since the beginning.

Is it to late? I personally believe it is too late for the human population as we know it, we will at one time regress, however life will continue ti the sun burns out, If there will be a dominant intelligent species after us is to be seen. But life of some sort will go on and evolution will continue, it is just a slow process. 
A lot of disinformation; try EDUCATING yourselves..

You can start out by reading "The Weather of the Future" by Heidi Cullen and "6 Degrees" by Mike Lynas; as most of you obviously DON'T read, the latter was made into a National Geographic special "Six Degrees Could Change the World" that can be streamed from Netflix or the National Geographic website.

Yes, the earth has throughout the ages experienced huge variations in climate/temperature due to a wide variety of causes, ranging from tetonic/volcanic activty to shifts in the earth's axis to impacts of comets/asteroids. It would be useful to note that most of these are ALSO associated with minor to catastrophic global extinction events...

Personally, I think it's too late, given all the data and the fact that too many people/interests want to/have chosen to ignore it the earth is already heading for the tipping point (if we stopped all use globally of fossil fuels tomorrow, levels in the atmosphere would take tens of decades to start to subside) as we should have started doing something proactively a couple of decades ago.

Being an old fart, I won't live long enough to see it, but many of you younger folk will live long enough to see wars fought over water/resources/arable land post ca. 2050, if it takes even that long... You should be investing in real estate 12-18 ft. above sea level and land 100-500 miles north of what are now the temperate/arable regions.
OT is the death of all great forums. It's great to develop camaraderie and such, but ... the best forums are always very focused.
you know, that is an interesting question, is sound effected by heat? I know a lot of things are, so would vibration be effected? Any Physics majors here to answer this?
back2thefutre said:
I wonder if GW has an effect on guitar tone?

Yes, he sucks the tone right out of your brand new strings to summon daemon-spirits from Hades.

Edit,  for some reason, my brain interpreted GW a George W.  hmm  dunno why  lol
AGWAN said:
If we go into a new ice age.

the Values in the Snow Cone market will plummet.

You can't grow wheat or corn in a rainforest. Those areas where you can will be decimated. Hope you've saved lots of canned food
Cletus said:
AGWAN said:
If we go into a new ice age.

the Values in the Snow Cone market will plummet.

You can't grow wheat or corn in a rainforest. Those areas where you can will be decimated. Hope you've saved lots of canned food

I can't really eat any wheat and many corn products, but this is just more bad news...  I can have corn syrup. I LIKE CORN SYRUP.
AutoBat said:
Oh great, a political thread.
[me=AutoBat]ducks out.[/me]

The problem is that climate change IS a political topic, when it should be a scientific topic. 