
Gibson makes a new product that I like a lot! Stop the presses!

Cagey said:
AprioriMark said:
Screw the haters.  I'm totally buying one in gold top.  That's exactly the LP I wanted to build, and for 850 bones, I'm all over that.  Unless it's a huge piece of crap, my luthier will make it play like butter.  What store/site should I give my money to?  I'm in Puyallup, WA, and will not give money to Guitar Center~


You'd pass up a less expensive but better Korean Agile for a more expensive Chinese Gibson when you live in the same town as Warmoth? Whaddaya, nuts? I know the Warmoth solution is the most pricey, so if you're sensitive to that you gotta do what you gotta do. But, if that's the case, then why buy a Gibson? I would think if money's tight, you'd want the most you could get for what you have. I mean, it's nice to sit at the table and be able to say "I got a Gibson" because nobody will argue with you. They generally don't know any better. You won't even need to string it up. Everybody will smile and nod and say "Good boy!" But, if you're a player, you have to want the best instrument you can get. Stand up for yourself. Show people you know something about musical instruments and aren't some corporate lackey who's drinking the marketing weenie's koolaid.

Or, just buy the Gibson. You'll never have to explain yourself to anybody but yourself and people who know better, and lord knows there aren't enough of those. But, they'll just smile and nod, too, knowing you're slow and resistant to instruction. So, who's approval do you want? Your own, your peers, or millions of dingbats?

Yeah, make sure you don't let reality into your assessment.  I owned an Agile, I did not care for it for several reasons.  I sold it.  The Gibson hate on these boards is really asinine sometimes.  This thread, any discussion about chambering (Gibson is cheap but Warmoth are geniuses)... and so on.

Incidentally, if you don't want to give your money to GC, you have to avoid Musician's Friend as well. They're ultimately the same company, mostly owned by Mitt Romney. Try Sweetwiter or Music123.
Cagey said:
Incidentally, if you don't want to give your money to GC, you have to avoid Musician's Friend as well. They're ultimately the same company, mostly owned by Mitt Romney. Try Sweetwiter or Music123.

Thanks, and one of the "Gibson are Bastards" issues that I agree with is that they've screwed smaller music stores out of carrying their guitars, or at least the cool ones.  I'm trying to find somewhere locally to try it out... that will let me bring in my Super and my W Tele.


Yeah, make sure you don't let reality into your assessment.  I owned an Agile, I did not care for it for several reasons.  I sold it.  The Gibson hate on these boards is really asinine sometimes.  This thread, any discussion about chambering (Gibson is cheap but Warmoth are geniuses)... and so on.


But, Gibson IS cheap & Warmoth parts are infinitely better for a fraction of the price. I've wanted a Les Paul for ages, but haven't seen one that was remotely worth the asking price. This year I will order my own Les Paul from Warmoth & I guarantee it will be leagues better than any Gibson custom shop Les Paul for a quarter of the price.
AprioriMark said:
Yeah, make sure you don't let reality into your assessment.  I owned an Agile, I did not care for it for several reasons.  I sold it.  The Gibson hate on these boards is really asinine sometimes.  This thread, any discussion about chambering (Gibson is cheap but Warmoth are geniuses)... and so on.

Be sure you're comparing apples to apples. Agile makes some stuff that's less than stellar, just like everybody does. All I can go by is what I've owned and a couple others have, and they've been their upper-tier models. I'm sure I wouldn't be as impressed with a 2000 series model, and probably wouldn't suggest anyone compare it to a GIbson.

And don't get me wrong - I loves me some Gibson fiddles. They're the standard by which all others are judged and I've owned a few myself. But, anymore, they're just way out of line and I hate to see anybody get raped. The "standard" doesn't set the bar as high as it used to; it's more like a "minimum acceptable requirement". They're 90% outsourced anyway, so you don't have any loyalty issues to deal with. Since that's the case, then why settle? Money's too tight to be paying hundreds or even thousands more simply for a name.
personally, I want the approval of millions of dingbats.

Some of those dingbats are really hot girls.

and so few guitar experts are hot girls.




But yah, I'm not a hardcore Gibson hater. but I've seen enough to know they're not for me. I've also held an agile up to a Gibson. and thought "Wow, the agile's finish/frets look so much nicer!"
I currently own a lefty Agile p90 goldtop (the 2500 line), and I'm impressed with it enough that I'm going for a 3000 line.

I foresee myself swapping pickups, "tuna"matic bridge and trimming the nut.  Other than that, because I'm finicky, I'll
prolly redo all the wiring (thinking Page style).
AGWAN said:
personally, I want the approval of millions of dingbats.

Some of those dingbats are really hot girls.

and so few guitar experts are hot girls.

Hehe! You make a powerful argument there, Mr. Agwan.

But, I used to play one of Mark Levinson's "Blade" guitars, and didn't have any trouble getting more than my fair share of attention. Who's ever heard of one of those? Bought it for same reason I buy Warmoth - I like the Fender design, I just don't like how Fender builds/markets their efforts. Leaves a lot to be desired.
Do new Agiles come with tin foil hats? :laughing7:

I'd get the Gibson from ~ S w e e t w a t e r ~ or zzounds, but the only interwebs that have any in stock right now are MF, SA, and Amazon.
Speaking of hot guitar girls...I love me some Orianthi.    Agile guitars are the best thing ever made. Its been pissed on by Jesus. I love it so much. BTW I'm selling it. WTF??  It comes with a case so I just doubled the value.
Cagey said:
AprioriMark said:
Yeah, make sure you don't let reality into your assessment.  I owned an Agile, I did not care for it for several reasons.  I sold it.  The Gibson hate on these boards is really asinine sometimes.  This thread, any discussion about chambering (Gibson is cheap but Warmoth are geniuses)... and so on.

Be sure you're comparing apples to apples. Agile makes some stuff that's less than stellar, just like everybody does. All I can go by is what I've owned and a couple others have, and they've been their upper-tier models. I'm sure I wouldn't be as impressed with a 2000 series model, and probably wouldn't suggest anyone compare it to a GIbson.

And don't get me wrong - I loves me some Gibson fiddles. They're the standard by which all others are judged and I've owned a few myself. But, anymore, they're just way out of line and I hate to see anybody get raped. The "standard" doesn't set the bar as high as it used to; it's more like a "minimum acceptable requirement". They're 90% outsourced anyway, so you don't have any loyalty issues to deal with. Since that's the case, then why settle? Money's too tight to be paying hundreds or even thousands more simply for a name.

The one I had was a new Agile 3000, and I won't talk trash about it here, because it is a great guitar for the money.  It just didn't have certain things that I needed in a LP, and I have to be honest that the headstock pitch and shape is one of those things.  I was willing to have my luthier retrofit a Gibson-style one if everything else was perfect (because I'd rather give Rondo and him my money than Gibson), but it just wasn't "LP" enough for me.

I just have a strong backlash against all the instant Gibson hate.  I own a 2006 LP Classic (upgraded pups) that is every bit as good as any LP I've played, and the workmanship is stellar.  I also own a 70s custom that sits in a case and will be sold someday as unplayed as it is now... because it's awful.

Superlizard said:
I currently own a lefty Agile p90 goldtop (the 2500 line), and I'm impressed with it enough that I'm going for a 3000 line.

I foresee myself swapping pickups, "tuna"matic bridge and trimming the nut.  Other than that, because I'm finicky, I'll
prolly redo all the wiring (thinking Page style).

Move up to the 3000 series, and you probably won't need to spend the money to "upgrade" anything. They already have Grover tuners and TOMs, and the pickups/controls are a step up as well. Plus, you go from laminates to solid tops, less or no glue-ups on the body, and ebony 'boards. They're remarkably sweet guitars.

They're selling a PRS clone now that I'm tempted to get a copy of...


$200, in the box, out the door. Hell, you'd pay $100 just for that bridge! Grab that, the pickups, and the tuners, and you could throw the balance in the fireplace and still come out ahead.
pabloman said:
Speaking of hot guitar girls...I love me some Orianthi.    Agile guitars are the best thing ever made. Its been pissed on by Jesus. I love it so much. BTW I'm selling it. WTF??  It comes with a case so I just doubled the value.

Nice effort pabloman, but that post didn't ramble on long enough, or have a ton of clichés and clip art in it. :laughing3:

Hey everyone, Don't get me wrong I love Rolex, I mean they are a company that 99.9% of the people know about and have seen in many movies throughout the years. I love my fake Rolex though, because it's so much better than a real one in every way. I happen to be selling it right now too. <grin>  All of my my friends who I've shown it to really can't tell the difference and why should they be able to, not everyone in the world is a watch expert or a fine jeweler with a loupe in their breast pocket with enough knowledge of the Rolex line to tell it's not the genuine article. So you and the people you know won't be able to notice it isn't real, and it can be your plus a leather bound perpetual winder case, which it doesn't need being of the quartz movement variety, but will look cool sitting in your den or home office desk. Mediocre case and worthless knockoff watch are both worth the same to the tune of $300 USD bones dollars buckaroos. PM me and I'll sell them plus shipping costs to you personally. <grin>

And when I hear the argument that I shouldn't buy and support shady knockoffs of fine products, I put my tin foil hat on and run around my living room naked, I mean in my birthday suit, yelling, "lalalalalalala!" until the neighbors have to call the cops over to my house to tell me to settle myself down. <grin> And I think they all use the same watch springs anyway, because you can't make that stuff in two places in the world. I'm actually thinking about buying a couple of few new fake Rolexes, or is it fake Rolexi?, and gutting the valuable watch springs out of them and scrapping the knockoff case and band. But you don't have to take my word for it.


Hey, I'm a lizard. Buy this guy's stuff or he'll eat me.
This is perhaps the worst thread hijack in history!  :tard: :tard: :tard:

My lap steel is a Rondo / Agile product. Until I replaced the tuners and pickup it was not playable at all. Still cheap, though, and now it sounds good and stays in tune. I definitely felt it was worth the $100 but not much more.
you know what I do when a Hijack goes wrong?

I bring up Omelettes...


I think we can all agree that looks delicious.
Max said:
If only there was a thread dedicated to hijacks... :p

I bet you fish at trout farms.


I tease, I tease...

... I also hope you have trout farms where ever you live... otherwise you're probably thinking "TROUT ISN'T A PLANT JACKASS"