
Gibson makes a new product that I like a lot! Stop the presses!

Speaking of woods...

If a dog barks in the woods and there's nobody there to hear him, is he still a Bad Dog?
If he is in the woods and nobodys around i bet theres half a chance he is part wolf so i would stay away :P
Back to the gibson it looks good, but i think ill let guitar players decide on that  :dontknow:
and well Slash did well with gibsons, unless they were better than they seem to be by peoples accounts now, let him test that one out  :evil4:
Cagey said:
Speaking of woods...

If a dog barks in the woods and there's nobody there to hear him, is he still a Bad Dog?
If it were my dog, I'd have him bite you.... :icon_thumright:
AGWAN said:



I always thought Agiles were nicer than the average Epi or lower end Gibson..
I really like this one ... I probably wanted one if it had a joint like this:


what drives me bonkers is neither of these neck joints are present on ANY OF the lefties.
AGWAN said:
what drives me bonkers is neither of these neck joints are present on ANY OF the lefties.

I understand your frustration, but there just aren't that many lefties out there. It's tough to justify setting up the automation to satisfy such a small market share. Being a lefty is like being red-headed, or gay, or having a third nipple. It's 5% to 7% of the population. Not that there's anything wrong with any of that, but there just aren't enough of you to make the effort to satisfy you worthwhile. Even something as widely used as computer mice, where the market is probably in the hundreds of millions of units per year, they don't cater to lefties. When you get to guitars where the market is only in the hundreds of thousands, if that, whaddaya expect? You should probably count your blessings if they acknowledge your existence at all.
I'm aware of that, but this isn't like casting dies, or even cutting templates.

the lions share of automation is in a computer controlled CNC machine. Is it really that hard to basically flip a virtual template over?
AGWAN said:
I'm aware of that, but this isn't like casting dies, or even cutting templates.

the lions share of automation is in a computer controlled CNC machine. Is it really that hard to basically flip a virtual template over?

Apparently, it is quite hard to flip it over. Any change to a CNC program requires writing brand new code.
AGWAN said:
I'm aware of that, but this isn't like casting dies, or even cutting templates.

the lions share of automation is in a computer controlled CNC machine. Is it really that hard to basically flip a virtual template over?

What Doughboy said. It's conceptually simple, but programmatically difficult. With many CNC machines, they almost have to start from scratch. Some make it fairly simple to just mirror something, but you still have to go in and edit the hell out of the speeds and feeds and cutting directions. I'm not as familiar with metal working as I am with wood, but I know the direction you feed a cutter through wood can have serious consequences as far as tearout, which can ruin a piece completely. When you're playing with exotic woods, that can add up to some serious money in a hurry.

Even with that, you would think it wouldn't take long to get the development money back, but apparently that's not the case because few companies will do it.
Good! then at least a Gibson thread had a Positive outcome!

At least schecter makes a lefty of nearly everything... even if they do make really... LOUD looking guitars... the quality is usually there.
Screw the haters.  I'm totally buying one in gold top.  That's exactly the LP I wanted to build, and for 850 bones, I'm all over that.  Unless it's a huge piece of crap, my luthier will make it play like butter.  What store/site should I give my money to?  I'm in Puyallup, WA, and will not give money to Guitar Center~

I'm with Mark. I am totally jonesing for a Gold Top Gibby right now. The price is right...but can I get one in Canada...?  *strokes chin whiskers*
Tempest said:
DARN YOU ALL!  :icon_jokercolor: Now I'm gassing for an Agile!

Buy mine. You'll be happy, Happy, HAPPY! Seriously. It's nice. And it's cheap. But, I'm GASsing for an Axe Fx, so I'm in dump mode. I'm fixin' to sell the neighbor's dog, too <grin>


I'll hardly ever poop in your shoes!
Cagey said:
Tempest said:
DARN YOU ALL!  :icon_jokercolor: Now I'm gassing for an Agile!

Buy mine. You'll be happy, Happy, HAPPY! Seriously. It's nice. And it's cheap. But, I'm GASsing for an Axe Fx, so I'm in dump mode. I'm fixin' to sell the neighbor's dog, too <grin>


I'll hardly ever poop in your shoes!

Sorry I'm saving my cash man, looks super nice though!

Good luck with the sale, those Axe-Fx things are awesome
AprioriMark said:
Screw the haters.  I'm totally buying one in gold top.  That's exactly the LP I wanted to build, and for 850 bones, I'm all over that.  Unless it's a huge piece of crap, my luthier will make it play like butter.  What store/site should I give my money to?  I'm in Puyallup, WA, and will not give money to Guitar Center~


the Agile looks the same... and I'm sure your Luthier can make it play like I Can't Believe Its Not Butter!  :evil4:
It does not look the same, or I'd have bought one~  I've actually owned one of those and sold it.  I won't dog it because I know some people really like them, but I really don't.

AprioriMark said:
Screw the haters.  I'm totally buying one in gold top.  That's exactly the LP I wanted to build, and for 850 bones, I'm all over that.  Unless it's a huge piece of crap, my luthier will make it play like butter.  What store/site should I give my money to?  I'm in Puyallup, WA, and will not give money to Guitar Center~


You'd pass up a less expensive but better Korean Agile for a more expensive Chinese Gibson when you live in the same town as Warmoth? Whaddaya, nuts? I know the Warmoth solution is the most pricey, so if you're sensitive to that you gotta do what you gotta do. But, if that's the case, then why buy a Gibson? I would think if money's tight, you'd want the most you could get for what you have. I mean, it's nice to sit at the table and be able to say "I got a Gibson" because nobody will argue with you. They generally don't know any better. You won't even need to string it up. Everybody will smile and nod and say "Good boy!" But, if you're a player, you have to want the best instrument you can get. Stand up for yourself. Show people you know something about musical instruments and aren't some corporate lackey who's drinking the marketing weenie's koolaid.

Or, just buy the Gibson. You'll never have to explain yourself to anybody but yourself and people who know better, and lord knows there aren't enough of those. But, they'll just smile and nod, too, knowing you're slow and resistant to instruction. So, who's approval do you want? Your own, your peers, or millions of dingbats?