
Gibson makes a new product that I like a lot! Stop the presses!


Master Member

Available for $850 online. Add some bucks for a full fret job and you've got a one thousand dollar Paul I'd totally play. What is the world coming to?  :occasion14:
It looks good onpaper, but I bet if you saw & played it in real life, you wouldn't think so much of it.

Virtually every Gibson I've played has had major problems with them. Poor fret jobs, binding that is not flush with the neck, poor looking tops, orange peel paint jobs etc. I have no idea how these things get by quality control. Does Gibson even have a quality control dept? They're merely robbing people & charging high prices for the Gibson name.

Friends don't let friends play Gibsons. Ahmen!!!
Doughboy said:
It looks good onpaper, but I bet if you saw & played it in real life, you wouldn't think so much of it.

Virtually every Gibson I've played has had major problems with them. Poor fret jobs, binding that is not flush with the neck, poor looking tops, orange peel paint jobs etc. I have no idea how these things get by quality control. Does Gibson even have a quality control dept? They're merely robbing people & charging high prices for the Gibson name.

Friends don't let friends play Gibsons. Ahmen!!!

I'm not sure how many Gibsons you've played but I've had my hands on close to a hundred brand new Gibsons and this really does not occur as much as you think. I hate most Gibson prices and I do think that consistency could be a little better. That said I have never had one come through with orange peel, poor fret jobs, or poor looking tops. Most issues are usually neck binding related. That is a badass guitar though. I want one.
If most have neck binding issues, it's a non-issue on these.  They have no neck binding.  As far as body binding, is the Gold Top the only one with it?  I'm familiar with the hum equipped LP Studios, and one of the turnoffs has been no binding anywhere.  I'm just conditioned to like binding on my LPs.  They look funny w/out it IMO.
I've yet to play a Les Paul that had a good fret job. Most are ground down to almost giving them a 'fretless wonder' feel & crowns are almost nonexistent. To charge the kind of money Gibson does for a Les Paul is criminal.
None of these have actual binding, so no worries. Good thing Gibby has a Plek machine :toothy12:
Well, for once, I would actually consider this guitar! Want to play it first though, but the price is right.

Never thought I'd say that about a Gibby...
Orpheo's done well enough without Gibsons so he must have some insider info :P
And they must be cheaper than Gibsons end up as  :toothy12:
I'm really liking the goldtop, and the honey burst looks nice, all depends on the top's quality.
I wish they made a nice, dark, warm tobaccoburst.
tfarny said:

Available for $850 online. Add some bucks for a full fret job and you've got a one thousand dollar Paul I'd totally play. What is the world coming to?  :occasion14:

So... they've finally found it in their hearts to drop the price of a half-assed $300 guitar to $850. Probably should jump on that, eh? NOT!
Wow, feel the hate, people, feel it burn! Sheesh, it looks good on paper, that's all I said!

I think it looks really nice and the price is right in there. I would assume it would need a full fret job and I probably would never buy one anyhow. But it looks cool and it's cheaper than a Fender American Standard.
i hate to rain on the parade of the Gibson bashing my the Gibson LP Studio Robot I picked up for $900 at Sam Ash is really put together well.  Playes real nice and finish is flawless.  Pick ups are a little weak but I am used to all the HOT PUs I put in my WARMOTHS...
tfarny said:
Wow, feel the hate, people, feel it burn! Sheesh, it looks good on paper, that's all I said!

I think it looks really nice and the price is right in there. I would assume it would need a full fret job and I probably would never buy one anyhow. But it looks cool and it's cheaper than a Fender American Standard.

I doubt that it's "hate" in most cases. It's probably more like profound disappointment. We all wanna love a Gibson; they're an icon. Everybody dreams of owning one from the first time they figure a guitar is the instrument to play and find out that's what many of their heros play, or at least own. Then you find out that what Gibson produces isn't even as good as a cheap import, but costs so much you can't buy one without a bank loan. To add insult to injury, you find out that if you don't knuckle under to popular opinion and bite the bullet to buy one of the miserable things, you'll be ostracized. What's a mother to do? It makes you bitter.
I'm just saying, I love me some honey burst on a LP.

Add some P90's and I'm sold.

Oh, wait! That headstock says Gibson! Bastards almost got me again! DENIED
I guess ill go against the grain too, but I absolutely love my Gibson. Maybe its the sentiments, but it was the first thing I ever bought with my own hard earned money ( I washed a lot of dishes in the back of a gross ass resturant for that thing). I love it. It never ever lets me down and maybe I'm an in experienced player ( I'm not) but it's a great player. I'm going to have it for many years to come.
I like my Gibson as well. Honestly, it's the best sounding guitar I own.

This new model looks promising... replace the P90s with Mini Hums and you've got yourself a new LP Deluxe sans binding and the 10+ lb overall weight* for under a grand.

*assuming these, with their chambered bodies, will be lighter than the old Deluxe monsters.

Also, you may have to do some buffing. I heard from someone that the "worn" finish Studios are just like the glossy ones except they skip the last few finishing steps.
I'd like to think that it's a good guitar but it almost look like a miracle coming from Gibson :sad1:
You know, some of the new Gibsons are pretty good guitars actually.

However, I'd never get another one.  I'm still wounded from that 1979 LP Deluxe Goldtop that I bought bran-spankin' new before I knew what a good guitar was.  I really tried to like it, but it was such a piece of crap <shudder>.  Profound disappointment indeed.

Very happy with my W telecasters thank-yew.
I'm a sucker for those cream colored P90s.  I know it would be better to just build a Warmoth version, but those do look darn nice.