Gibson loses firebird lawsuit


Epic Member

The Flying V is down.  Now the Firebird ain't flying.  At least in Europe.

For those interested in influences on the Firebird ...,_New_Jersey
musicispeace said:
Excellent news. I've been looking at Dean guitars to maybe show them some support here.

If I were in the market for a V right now, I'd be buying a Dean for sure.
I once in a while consider a V even though I'm not a flashy body kinda guy. But the Dean headstock... :sad:
If I were in the market for a V right now, I'd be buying a Dean for sure.

One of my clients recently purchased a classic Dean Explorer with a Floyd that is just excellent, and I own a 2017 Dean Cadillac that just rules. It is one of the few guitars I own that is STOCK. I mod almost everything, but this axe is great as is. Very affordable, too.
swarfrat said:
I once in a while consider a V even though I'm not a flashy body kinda guy. But the Dean headstock... :sad:

The Dean headstock is also a V. Maybe they should call it a W instead  :icon_jokercolor:
I guess it would ... in europe.  But there's still all the other shapes to be reckoned with.  Gibson is prickly so why bother until the dust is settled here in the USA.  Maybe the EU cases will have some influence on Gibson and licensing.  If I were them, I'd being furiously working on licensing deals, but companies are like people, they don't always do what is common sense.  Though it may be too late, maybe the jig is up.  Who knows.

Speaking of the Googie style, to my eye the jazzmaster got some of the influence too.
If I were them, I'd being furiously working on licensing deals

Yeah, I mentioned this solution awhile back. Let other companies build whatever they want that looks like a Gibson, just pay the company $20 (or whatever) from each wholesale unit and you'd be good to go.
Been hoping that would happen. Gibson makes the best looking guitars, but I would only buy one used now because I don't want to help fund them.