They were the stock pickups in my Gibson Flying V.
I like the 500T, it was really strong and clear. I used it for high gain setups, great 'bark' when you crank the highs, you get lots of grind. when the mids are up and highs are down, its sort of softens the attack a bit and gets more 'vintagey' my ears.
I didn't have much of a problem with feedback.
It had a good open clean tone, but not very...sweet. In the end, I switched just to get something different, not because of any problems with it. Kind of harsh on the clean tones.
The neck pup, the 496, is sweet! If you've heard the Duncan '59, it's got a similar smokey high end. The drive is a LOT stronger, though. It is really great for noodley solos and big soulful stuff, bends and string rattles and all those "emotive" accents on solos. on my amp, though it was WAY too boomy for any rhythm work. In my experience, the 496 does one or two notes at a time, any more and it gets real 'whompy'.
I did a cool mod, (actually my buddy did, i couldn't figure it out) for the middle position of the three way toggle switch. He got it to be the inner coils in parallel. it sounded REALLY good on clean and very articulate distorted. I'd check THAT out, that sounded great.