
Gel stain is awesome. What's the clear topcoat equivalent?



So after sanding all the runny drippy stain + urethane off and discovering the awesomeness of gel stain for an easy good looking wipe finish, the next question is "what do I put over it that is 1) compatible and 2) as easy to get a good looking finish as gel stain?

Right now  I'm torn between GF Clear gel topcoat And Arm-R-Seal. I watched the Stumpy Nubs video, and they appear to be similar. Finding Arm-r-seal in person is proving difficult though.

This is a black gel on ash, looking for a clear topcoat that's easy and durable and looks good. This is a slap together project, so looks good is still an objective, but I don't have a spray booth, controlled environment, or patience. Project has drug on, time to get it playable. I might replace the body later with a Warmoth, but for now  a non ugly functional finishr41 we
Perhaps try some sort of Wipe on Gel Polyurethane. I cannot recommend a brand as I am not in the US and am not familiar with what is available.
Picked up some Arm-r-seal today. This stuff does have one down side. It's slow as molasses in January. When it cools down, it takes forever and a day to cure up. Probably about right for me.