
GAS Alert!!!!

Bagman67 said:
So this popped up and it was too much for me, and I glommed onto it.


Now I have a body for this neck I picked up a not long ago:

Not sure quite yet how I'll finish it - that pale streak might make for a fun accent to a burst but I'm not overly fond of poplar green.  I might also do an opaque metallic finish.  I have a pair of Carvin S22 pups with chrome tops that I'll be installing.  Should be a fun project overall.

That’s a really nice body with a really cool grain (not to mention the neck).
My immediate reaction was to ”go with the flow” and use the grain and the green to it’s advantage and perhaps make it even more so. A transparent green finish of some sort on that body in other words.
Nice catch Ian. I'm planning on a Workshop day Sept. 14th. Maybe you can stop by and bring along what progress you have. We'll have the assorted regulars coming and going, and I'll be redoing a Strat that day.
swarfrat said:
Poplar isn't green forever anyway. No matter what you do to it, it'll eventually brown.
Just leave it in the sunlight for a few weeks. Did that with a cherry wood body, turned out sweet.... :icon_thumright:
Damn, that's a beautiful neck, Ian. It's a boatneck, too. If it was a 24-3/4" scale it would be sorely tempting. It still is, but it's manageable. :laughing11:
Agree, take away the stars, make it Gibson scale, and.....well my wallet is thankful it's not...
Been a while since we've seen a part that's just balls-to-the-wall insane figuring on the lumber.  So here you go, courtesy of my RSS feed about 5 minutes ago.

Wow. That's one of those parts you wanna buy just in case you never see anything like it ever again.
I had a Strat done that way some years back. Played like a dream, and absolutely gorgeous. So much so, I was almost afraid to touch/play it. Some guy saw it and really wanted it bad, so it got sold. One of the last "coffee table top" bodies I ever built for myself. I take very good care of my guitars, to the point where they look nearly new many years later, but there's a limit. I appreciate a good wallflower as much as the next guy, but it's a lotta money for what ends up being a display piece.