
GAS Alert!!!!

Well, some days things come together.  This beauty went up and I happened to have a Warmoth gift certificate and a prepaid visa sitting around so I was able to snap it up the moment it showed in my RSS feed.  So lovely.

No idea what I'm gonna do with it yet, but all will be revealed in the fullness of time, I'm sure.

That's beautiful. The light streak down it is just varied enough to really be interesting. Nice grab.
Beautiful piece! And you wouldn't be the first one to buy parts without plans just to take them off the site for personal stash  :icon_biggrin:
QuantumView shipping notification arrived today!

Bagman67 said:
Well, some days things come together.  This beauty went up and I happened to have a Warmoth gift certificate and a prepaid visa sitting around so I was able to snap it up the moment it showed in my RSS feed.  So lovely.

No idea what I'm gonna do with it yet, but all will be revealed in the fullness of time, I'm sure.

Just wow.

Bah - can't link to Warmoth:
I saw that one yesterday, too, but was otherwise too engaged to post here.  If I had any photoshop skills at all, I'd mock up this neck with it:


I mean, come on -

Bagman67 said:
I saw that one yesterday, too, but was otherwise too engaged to post here.  If I had any photoshop skills at all, I'd mock up this neck with it:

I agree. Also, I like the pearl dots on the maple neck. Less obtrusive looking. It's almost like a clean neck but still with markers. I've been tempted to try that or black on ebony.
Black dots on black ebony = not recommended; they truly disappear.  But I've seen black on rosewood look nice.
Cagey said:
And you wouldn't be the first one to buy parts without plans just to take them off the site for personal stash

Guilty.  A few times.

I just discovered this thread, and I gotta ask -- does any poaching go on here that anybody is aware of?  Have there been instances of someone posting a GAS attack, and someone else seeing the post and then swooping in for the purchase?  Or is that the point of this thread? 

I think that if I really wanted something from Warmoth's showcase, I'd keep my mouth shut about it until I either bought it or decided not to.
I've never seen anyone complain, so I expect it's just a way of pointing out interesting things that show up. I know I've jumped on a few things.