
GAS Alert!!!!

My Soloist build is almost done, but I'm already looking at getting another Warmoth! I need more self-control... But might as well ask: with or without pickguard :icon_biggrin: ?


Tough call. It's so Tele, you sorta gotta put the 'guard on it or it's like shoes without socks. On the other hand, it looks really good without it.
Cagey said:
Tough call. It's so Tele, you sorta gotta put the 'guard on it or it's like shoes without socks. On the other hand, it looks really good without it.

Right, on one hand it looks a bit naked without, but on the other hand what's wrong with being naked and showing off your wood :icon_biggrin: ?
One way I've defended any decision to go sans pickguard is by reviewing its purpose: to protect the finish. Thing is, you can't see the finish if there's a pickguard covering it, so what have you accomplished?

On an acoustic, it's a little easier to justify...


We don't need no stinkin' pickguard!
Cagey said:
One way I've defended any decision to go sans pickguard is by reviewing its purpose: to protect the finish. Thing is, you can't see the finish if there's a pickguard covering it, so what have you accomplished?

On an acoustic, it's a little easier to justify...


We don't need no stinkin' pickguard!

Now that I think about it, I've never had a sans pickguard electric guitar wear out where the pickguard should be :dontknow:.
Another thought might be to go without, and if over time the finish gets too tore up to tolerate, cover it up with a pickguard.
Tele's have never been my bag but that one looks better with the guard I reckon. You could get a custom wood pickguard for something different. I think I will when I get to that stage. Guitars generally look odd to me with that extra space in the pickup rout.
I'm all for a pickguard but that one is too light for the color. I'd also go for black or maybe some of that yellow tortoise shell they put on the purple tributes.
exaN said:

Bruuuuuuuuuuce! That with a maple fretboard and the "vintage" color finish is my tele dream. Love that look. I'd say go for that, personally. I don't think it gets much sexier than a butterscotch tele.
Tipperman said:
exaN said:

Bruuuuuuuuuuce! That with a maple fretboard and the "vintage" color finish is my tele dream. Love that look. I'd say go for that, personally. I don't think it gets much sexier than a butterscotch tele.
I have to agree. Nothing is more classic looking than a blonde Teles with a black pickguard.
Tipperman said:
exaN said:

Bruuuuuuuuuuce! That with a maple fretboard and the "vintage" color finish is my tele dream. Love that look. I'd say go for that, personally. I don't think it gets much sexier than a butterscotch tele.


I'm really drawn to this too. It makes me want to rock it more than one with a fancy top. I'd be worried about the guitar being a little too bright, but how big of a difference rosewood vs maple fingerboard is up for debate.
exaN said:

I'm really drawn to this too. It makes me want to rock it more than one with a fancy top. I'd be worried about the guitar being a little too bright, but how big of a difference rosewood vs maple fingerboard is up for debate.

I'd argue it's a relatively minor difference. A lot of your tone, in my opinion, comes from how you play, what your setup is like etc. For instance, if you play a lick through a Blues JR and play the same lick through a Blues JR with a different speaker, it'll sound different. Compare that to Maple vs Rosewood and I feel it's relatively minor. I'd go with a plain swamp ash or alder body for that finish for the classic look, myself.

I mean, just look at this. Serious wood.

I've been wondering how different transparent finishes would look on RSA.  (Specifically for me, I wonder about trans blue.)  Then here comes this black/brown/yellow tele...  Anyone?

ghotiphry said:
I've been wondering how different transparent finishes would look on RSA.  (Specifically for me, I wonder about trans blue.)  Then here comes this black/brown/yellow tele...  Anyone?


What is RSA?