
GAS Alert!!!!

Cagey said:
Oh, boy. I'm so sorely tempted. Why couldn't I have been born rich?

I'll see guitars and I think I want that one, and this one, and that other one. I sometimes wonder how many guitars I'd have if I won the lottery.  I mean, if I won the lottery I'd have more time to play guitars, but how many guitars could one actually use?
Jet-Jaguar said:
... how many guitars could one actually use?

Perzactly. I've actually been selling mine off just to make room. Love building/playing them, but there's a limit. I'll keep the magical ones, but a regular ol' Strat? For what? There's at least a bajillion of them out there. I don't need a closet full of 'em. If I couldn't find a Strat for between $100-$300 in two hours tomorrow, I'd think I was in some alternative universe.
Anybody feel like doing a Trey Anastasio impersonation?  Well, sorta, anyway.

Dangit, I was getting ready to post a Mooncaster, but I was kinda eyeballing things, hoping it would kick off page 355 (which seemed appropro for a bound mooncaster)
Re: EMGsies,
Some Google searches and nerding out could yield whether or not the voicing would work.

EMG's are one of those many, many, many pickups that get shamed with the reputation of a "thin" tone because of frozen brain syndrome - if you were to oscilloscopilly compare them to some ol' splatter-wound ultra-high output overwound-to-bursting point Mushbucker X-Streemos, they've got enough bass & midrange to defenestrate a ten-ton mama - but they also have EVEN MORE treble, proportionately. So when you set all your amps & seven-chained stompies and such to sound "best" when you plug in your mahogany-bodied Mushbucker-armed bloatocaster turned to eleven... well when you plug in a guitar with EMG's or Lawrences or Lace Sensors, all the cats dogs and tweeties for miles around take a powder. The solution is to reach over and turn a knob on your amp - manual labor, there. I don't personally like a stage of gain that early in the chain, but there's hardly an amp made today that doesn't have enough tone control to manage any kind of pickups.
Wasn't me, but only because I didn't see it. That's a very nice part! Congrats to whoever got it.
Took a little trip down "Guitars-in-Stock" lane over at the Carvin shop, and this baby gave me what Beavis and Butthead would call a "special feeling":

I didn't check, but if you scope out the Carvin "guitars-in-stock" list, you can get the specs.  I was just postin' some guitar-porn; I can't afford a new guitar right now (both as a matter of available cash, and available rationale when I have several projects in-progress, plus a decent stable of finished goods to fool with.
That is a super-sharp part. But, I've got too many other irons in the fire. On the other hand, how often do you see something like that?