
GAS Alert!!!!

link to neck if still available: http://www.warmoth.com/Showcase/ShowcaseNeck.aspx?i=MN1626&Body=1&Path=Neck

That neck bulge is odd. At least it's on a raw neck, so a little sandpaper will make it vanish.  I'm dreading it's more copyright protection.
AutoBat said:
link to neck if still available: http://www.warmoth.com/Showcase/ShowcaseNeck.aspx?i=MN1626&Body=1&Path=Neck

That neck bulge is odd. At least it's on a raw neck, so a little sandpaper will make it vanish.  I'm dreading it's more copyright protection.
I wouldn't foresee any copyright issues with the Jackie, since Jackie is owned by Fender.  :dontknow:
Yeah. It's the bulge.

Or the point. Or the angular cuts. Or its inherent dangerousness. Or its belief in Sharia law. Or its Satanic origins.


I know! Leave it for Altar! He'll eat anything!
Cagey said:
Yeah. It's the bulge.

Or the point. Or the angular cuts. Or its inherent dangerousness. Or its belief in Sharia law. Or its Satanic origins.


I know! Leave it for Altar! He'll eat anything!


Sorry Cagey, but I've got cheaper ways of getting a munchy. Besides, that one looks like it would hurt going down. :toothy12:
Cagey said:
Oh, my! That one speaks to me!

But, what am I gonna do with another Strat?
Oh, come on, now; you know as well as anyone that that only becomes a concern AFTER a project is well under way! You'll think of something to do with it...what's the worst that can happen?  :evil4: 
No, I gotta hold my fire. The L6S and Ice Blue Tele both need necks, and they're gonna be pricey.
No need to apologize. I forgot about all the other projects when I saw that body, too. I am so looking forward to that Tele, though. That, and I'm finally excited about the Black Cherry Tele, too. But, I suspect that neck is going to take some time to get right.
Yeah, against my instincts I oiled it, and sadly, I don't like it. But, now it's oiled, which creates a new set of problems for an alternate finish. Nothing insurmountable, just more time/work than I originally intended. But, that's alright. I learned some things, and I have plenty of other guitars to play.

On the plus side, I have another Maple neck here with a Pau Ferro 'board that I'm also doing a different finish on - wipe-on polyurethane in the form of Behlen's Master Gel. That's coming out surprisingly well. Wish I'd thought of it for my neck - especially since I already had a can of the stuff in the closet. I mean, it's easy, it's fast, it's beautiful and it looks professional. I don't know that I'd use it on a body - it's got like zero working time - but on a neck it's working out incredibly well.
I think sometimes the worst part about waiting for warmoth to ship you your guitar body, is how tempted you are to buy yet another one.

I have a fender strat that has aftermarket pickups, and I've been thinking about putting the original pickups back on it, and then making a new guitar with the new pickups.  I've had my eye on this body for a while:


I was thinking maybe parchment pickguard, black hardware.

It got down to $285 this week. 285 for a chambered, 3lb 7oz strat with washed blue dye.  Was waiting till payday to get it for myself and BAM! someone else got it today.  Oh well, it's not like I'm hurting for a guitar. :)  But it shows that there are some good deals in the showcase (that don't always last long.)

Not really GAS as it is not my style ... but different enough to get noticed ...




Anyone having a smurf-guitar coming?  :laughing3:
Hmm... I'm gonna do a blue VIP this summer, but I don't think that one would work with it. It's too bad - that's a good deal. But, no stainless frets, and those blocks are a bit much...