
GAS Alert!!!!

DangerousR6 said:

You're a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad man.  :icon_biggrin:
Thanks, Johnny. The green/canary contrast sis quite handsome in person, yes - although I think I may need to spring for a pickguard.  I play with my nails a lot, and the lacquer's very thin.  I'm chewing up the face of the guitar some.
Mmm... that's sharp! Don't understand the pricing on it, though. It's not hollow or chambered and it's not a particularly exotic wood. It's not even extra-light. Then, it's got the dreaded Les Paul control scheme and a TOM/STP bridge arrangement, both of which should qualify for a credit. Yet, build-to-order price is $760, and as offered is $557? I have a feeling this is going to end up a "Screamin' Deal".
drewfx said:
Carved top ups the price.

Yeah, I know. I don't understand why Warmoth carved tops cost so much. There are manufacturers out there who'll make entire guitars with carved tops for less than what a paint job costs from Warmoth. What are they doing wrong? Are their CNC machines just sitting around rotting?

And while I'm in curious mode... "ups" the price? Is that like "lefts" the direction? When did "up" become a verb? I notice it all over the place lately, even on high-end sites with paid editors who are supposed to correct such things. Is it so time-consuming or bandwidth-gobbling to type "raises"?
Cagey said:
And while I'm in curious mode... "ups" the price? Is that like "lefts" the direction? When did "up" become a verb?

At least since 1915, according to the dictionary.

From http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/up?s=t:

up   [uhp]  adverb, preposition, adjective, noun, verb, upped, up·ping.
verb (used with object)
77. to put or take up.
78. to make larger; step up: to up output.
79. to raise; go better than (a preceding wager): to up the ante.

verb (used without object)
80. Informal . to start up; begin something abruptly (usually followed by and  and another verb): Then he upped and ran away from home.
81. (often used imperatively or hortatively) to rise up: Up, men, and fight until all the enemy are defeated!
Sense of "to move upward" is recorded from 1737. Meaning "increase" (as in up the price of oil) is attested from 1915. Cf. O.E. verb uppian "to rise." Upping block is attested from 1796.
Cagey said:
drewfx said:
Carved top ups the price.

Yeah, I know. I don't understand why Warmoth carved tops cost so much. There are manufacturers out there who'll make entire guitars with carved tops for less than what a paint job costs from Warmoth. What are they doing wrong? Are their CNC machines just sitting around rotting?...

Perhaps it's about machine-time. It's a bit outside my experience, but I would think the carved-top feature has to be on the cnc bed longer than a flat Tele, therefore making each piece higher priced.
If the question is about final price and there are no obvious factors like more expensive raw materials, then it's about the time spent.
anorakDan said:
Cagey said:
drewfx said:
Carved top ups the price.

Yeah, I know. I don't understand why Warmoth carved tops cost so much. There are manufacturers out there who'll make entire guitars with carved tops for less than what a paint job costs from Warmoth. What are they doing wrong? Are their CNC machines just sitting around rotting?...

Perhaps it's about machine-time. It's a bit outside my experience, but I would think the carved-top feature has to be on the cnc bed longer than a flat Tele, therefore making each piece higher priced.
If the question is about final price and there are no obvious factors like more expensive raw materials, then it's about the time spent.
It's not really that it takes more time, witch it does just a tad. But it's more as you said raw materials cost(thicker top) and programing time = man hrs.
Hehe! Gotta keep an open mind. As Mr. Moynihan once said "You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”
I wish there was more grain matching and less book matching in the showcase. Especially with less-figured woods like Ash and Korina.