Hoo-boodle-hoo-boodle-hoo!!! My one, last, and only chance to sound exactly like Duane Allman is through, over, stomped to death by the cruel nailed jackboots of some unfeeling monster who... umm. Well. One thing at least, I didn't get totally FLEECED, like this poor ignorant idjit who thinks he can just spend and spend and buy and buy and that somehow, his quivering limp talent will firm up and swell to giant-sized NSW unbearably-talented... talent. HaHaHaHa! What a dork!
Look at that! It's gotta be some proxifried Southern slimin' going on there, nobody's right MIND would go out and blow $172 bucks on a friggin' bottle thinking like some kind of vibes is a-gonna reach all the way offa poor dead Duane's finger, slurp backward in an anti-temporal timeloop THROUGH the bottle factORY factory and 45 years lating put a liplock on THEIR OWN FINGER. through the bottle and onto Duanes poor dead finger and giv... well, I mean LOOK:
but... but... those aren't proxidental, those are genuinely incontinental humming beans!! They... te... dickweeds.