
GAS Alert!!!!

No, it's not just you. I was wondering while looking at them whether they'd hired a new painter.
You can definitely get too dark, but I think all 3 of those are more like getting a peak inside the kimono! :icon_thumright:
In all this talk of purple guitars lately, has anyone thought about GREEN?

Yeah, it's like the Warmoth painters have been watching/reading noir.

"I was down at Rick's Oasis, it's a nice place on the bad side of town.  Not good for picking up clients, most of the people there are not looking for private eyes, most are trying to stay lost, if you know what I mean.  It was the type of night where you'd hope it would rain just so you could justify wearing a jacket.

Rick had a jazz band playing that night, a bunch of out-of-town cats I hadn't seen there before. The guitarist was playing a guitar that was almost black, but green enough so that you could see the flame maple. It had curves like a fat woman with a small waist, like a Les Paul except it had a bolt-on neck and it didn't have the Gibson decal (It's probably just as well, an out-of-towner wouldn't want to be caught with illegal wood in a town like this, with cops so crooked they could hide behind corkscrews.) "


I see the sea lion as well, and agree it will be a pity to deface it. Mother Nature was really working overtime during that tree's life. That's a beautifully figured piece.
crash said:
Shadowhand said:
Too bad P/U routes will delete the sea lion face I see in this...


I was thinking of the Ood from Dr. Who.

I love Dr. Who, especially the Tom Baker years from my youth, but if that isn't just the most blatant ripoff of Lovecraft's Cthulu, I'll eat my hat.
Actually, I kinda see two tusks coming down, like a walrus face there. Yeah, I don't think you could even use a peizo bridge and preserve the image.
The wife is getting a very very spendy splurge this summer that was the result of a 'oh fine!' argument. Unfortunately that guitar is perfect for what I just built. Not what I have in mind next - which isn't real concrete yet, but being a die hard strat guy, is more likely to be S/S/S or S/S/H with a baritone neck, strung 0.010 - 0.52 tuned to E or Eb