I haven't seen a lot of Gretsch Hollowbodies on stages, but my mileage varies. I attribute it not to Jack White but the fact that one can now be bought for under a grand - you don't have to get a $2500 White Falcon to own one. That and the fact that you can't throw a hammer without hitting a GC in most metro areas now which are full of them. Same with LTD, it's an affordable ESP. I'm not shocked, rather reminded, that most do not actually shop for gear. That is, they don't do research, figure out what they want, then go hunting for it. They walk into a showroom and pick it off of a wall. That more than anything is the reason for the influx of Gretsch, Laguna, LTD, Epiphones, Ibanez, Egnater, Line6, etc., etc. They can be picked up anywhere relatively cheap. Ask these guys what wood it has and what the knobs do, sometimes you'll get correct answers. Ask them what they were looking for when they found that one, "Just a guitar and this one was pretty."
Mustaine and King, King had an ESP deal not to long ago too. He started with B.C. Rich and has come back to them (kind of , if the B.C. Rich he started with is the same now). Both of them, regardless of what was on the headstock, when moving their respective sig models to new companies, that new company was basically making the same guitar the last one did. King has a V with EMGs and a Kahler regardless of what's on the headstock. Mustaine, a 24 fret V with Seymour Duncans. Jackson, ESP, Dean, etc. And there are bands/artists with 20+ year ESP affiliations. Metallica, George Lynch, and a few more.