Hey everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well. Here is the progress on my G5 Black Korina body and Maple/Ebony fretless neck. I am :icon_biggrin: enjoying :icon_biggrin: this building process.
In short, here is what I've done:
1. Black Korina body got 4 coats of Tung Oil, steel wool between coats. After 3 coats, the bass started to shine, so I stopped at 4 - my goal being a somewhat 'raw' natural woody look. Before oiling I lightly sanded some very minor rough areas.
2. The Flame Maple received 5 costs of Behlen Master Gel, steel wool between coats. I oiled a scrap piece of Home Depot maple with multiple costs of Behlen and Tru-Oil to see the difference - looked mostly the same and for me , it seemed Behlen went on easier and had less streaks after drying+sanding. But that is me talking, a novice :dontknow:.
Drilling this weekend, going slooooww.
Here is the 'out of the box': http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=16565.0
Enjoy and have a great weekend.
Hope everyone is doing well. Here is the progress on my G5 Black Korina body and Maple/Ebony fretless neck. I am :icon_biggrin: enjoying :icon_biggrin: this building process.
In short, here is what I've done:
1. Black Korina body got 4 coats of Tung Oil, steel wool between coats. After 3 coats, the bass started to shine, so I stopped at 4 - my goal being a somewhat 'raw' natural woody look. Before oiling I lightly sanded some very minor rough areas.
2. The Flame Maple received 5 costs of Behlen Master Gel, steel wool between coats. I oiled a scrap piece of Home Depot maple with multiple costs of Behlen and Tru-Oil to see the difference - looked mostly the same and for me , it seemed Behlen went on easier and had less streaks after drying+sanding. But that is me talking, a novice :dontknow:.
Drilling this weekend, going slooooww.
Here is the 'out of the box': http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=16565.0
Enjoy and have a great weekend.