
Floyd Rose w/o Locking Nut - anybody do this?

Cagey said:
bagman67 said:


That would do the trick. Best price I can find is $172 out of England, though. Bit stiff for such a thing. But, I wouldn't have to modify the body - it would drop right in.

91 Euros (USD$131-ish) at http://www.thomann.de/gb/schaller_vintage_tremolo_3801_chrome.htm, plus (eek) shipping.  Which brings it to... $172.  Yep, it's spendy alright.
You found the same source I did. That's where I got the number.

I've got plenty of time for this project. The mahogany Strat isn't done yet, and the black korina VIP isn't done yet. I'll keep my eye on eBay and maybe something will show up. Or, maybe I'll just bite the bullet and put a regular OFR on there. If I can get a good deal on one, I could probably flip it without getting hurt too bad if it turns out to be a problem child.
I was gonna suggest it, but it's already been said. (i think) "Vintage Tremolo"
Yeah, that's the one we've been talking about that has to come from overseas at a pretty dear price. Thanks for looking out for me, though.
as long as you got good nut slots,they wont be any problem... (STEW MAC Guitar Grease super highly recommended),..
my strats fitted with custom 1/4" tremolo arm,and never had a tuning stability  problem 

shredder vinnie moore got floyds with no nutlocks
stubhead said:
Fender Strat Special with the American Standard trem, LSR nut, and locking tuners

That's this setup, right?:


Strangely enough, in the 22 years since Beck first recorded this, I personally have never heard a Floydist who would even attempt anything like it.
Better close-up shots here:


My bad, it was the American Select.


The best Fender I've ever had my grubby meat hooks on!  Even moderate trem activity threw the tuning off.  For the record, my Floyds hate me for the abuse I inflict on them. :toothy11:
Here ya go Cagey......................................http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390214168814&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1506wt_905
pabloman said:
Here ya go Cagey......................................http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390214168814&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1506wt_905
I love the old style of Floyds, but I'd be a bit leary of buying that one....Look where it's coming from, Bentonville, Ark.    Can you say Wal-Mart... :toothy12:
Ha! I did notice that. I worked in the Tire Lube Express at Wal-Mart in Balch Springs. People would get pissed and threaten to call Bentonville. I found it to be humorous. Damn there was this smokin hot cashier that took me fishing once. She started talkin shit to me because I was buying some powerbait.She caught crickets for us and even baited my pole. I forgot all about that girl until I started typing this. She would give my wife all kinds of attitude if she would call for me. Man I had some fantasies about those two. Too bad they didn't even fight. Oh well. :dontknow:
pabloman said:
Here ya go Cagey......................................http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390214168814&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1506wt_905

Excellent! Thanks for finding that! I may have to re-think my hardware scheme, though. Had all but settled on doing black, but chrome will cause me less heartache than the Floyd design.
You know, I vaguely remember an article about George Lynch, probably "Guitar Player", where he was making a big too-doo about the ORIGINAL original Floyd Roses - Eddie Van Halen got the first one, George the second, now he resorts to picking them up on Ebay, he had like four or five. So they're out there, of course after that article they probably went blooey through the roof. I just scanned the spines of what GP's I have on the shelf, and either it wasn't a cover article or it was old enough to be buried deep within my caverns. A search might turn it up, if it matters. The steel was better on the old ones, or something like that... I alse remember reading an interview with Steve Vai, where he laughs about destroying  one every week or so. I think that trick where you pick the guitar up with the whammy and flap it around like a trout might have something to do with it... can we say, "Dragonforce?" :help:


That's Cagey, in a few months.... :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing7: :toothy12: :hello2: :blob7: :icon_scratch: :sad1:
Dragonforce suffers from the same disease as Rush.
Disconnect the mic and they're awesome, plug it in again and I'm jaming q-tips into my skull.
Cagey said:
pabloman said:
Here ya go Cagey......................................http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390214168814&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_1506wt_905

Excellent! Thanks for finding that! I may have to re-think my hardware scheme, though. Had all but settled on doing black, but chrome will cause me less heartache than the Floyd design.

Just be careful that you don't get scammed if you buy... oh wait. Nevermind. Wrong thread.  :icon_biggrin:
stubhead said:

That's Cagey, in a few months.... :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing7: :toothy12: :hello2: :blob7: :icon_scratch: :sad1:

Sounds like a show tune or the theme music to some Japanese anime played at 320bpm. I can pretty much guarantee you won't hear me playing stuff like that. Hell, I'll do old Alice Cooper tunes first <grin>
stubhead said:
You know, I vaguely remember an article about George Lynch, probably "Guitar Player", where he was making a big too-doo about the ORIGINAL original Floyd Roses - Eddie Van Halen got the first one, George the second, now he resorts to picking them up on Ebay, he had like four or five. So they're out there, of course after that article they probably went blooey through the roof. I just scanned the spines of what GP's I have on the shelf, and either it wasn't a cover article or it was old enough to be buried deep within my caverns. A search might turn it up, if it matters. The steel was better on the old ones, or something like that... I alse remember reading an interview with Steve Vai, where he laughs about destroying  one every week or so. I think that trick where you pick the guitar up with the whammy and flap it around like a trout might have something to do with it... can we say, "Dragonforce?" :help:


That's Cagey, in a few months.... :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing7: :toothy12: :hello2: :blob7: :icon_scratch: :sad1:

Is that supposed to be a serious band? I have a hard time getting through that video without laughing. It's so cheesy, that has to be a joke. :sad:
Cagey said:
...I can pretty much guarantee you won't hear me playing stuff like that. Hell, I'll do old Alice Cooper tunes first <grin>

What the hell old Alice Cooper is awesome. Killer is one of the nastiest rock records ever, and yes at one point I actually had it on LP.
Whoa... that Dragonforce is something. It sounds like a children's song, only with a drummer who still wishes he landed that Napalm Death gig.

Is that on the new Final Fantasy soundtrack?
jay4321 said:
What the hell old Alice Cooper is awesome. Killer is one of the nastiest rock records ever, and yes at one point I actually had it on LP.

I don't disagree - hell, I wore out more than one copy of several of his albums when I was a teenager. I especially liked "Billion Dollar Babies". But, I think most people would laugh at it these days. I mean, there are no scantily-clad anorexic dope addict bimbos bouncing their babies off the sidewalk, no front line of pre-pubescent boys posing as pedo-bait, no mindless shredding, no seizure-inducing artificial bass tracks or mind-boggling syn-drums. Plus, the songs had melodies, and lyrics you could not only recognize as English, but understand what was being said as well.

Damn. I've turned into my father.

Although, he never did approve of "Dead Babies", "I Love the Dead" or "Billion Dollar Babies".

Didn't like Black Sabbath or Deep Purple either, as I recall.

Silly human <grin>